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It had been two days since the incident, and still Sadie didn't know what to feel. She had seen the boy prior to today, but they hadn't talked, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to. There was a secret that crawled in her veins, begging to be let out, and this boy was so close to letting it.

As if on cue, there was a knocking on the girl's window. She glanced over to her window, seeing a familiar beautiful face. Millie Bobby Brown.

"Millie?" the girl exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey Sadie. How have you been?" the brown-eyed girl asked, climbing through the now-open window.

Sadie looked at her mysteriously. "I've been fine, thanks. Why are you here again?"

"Well, can't a friend just stop by to say hello?" she asked. She had a sneaky look in her eyes, one that Sadie had, at one point, learned to love, and learned to hate just the same.

"Friends, yes. Ex-girlfriends, maybe not."

Millie sighed. "Oh, Sadie, baby, you've always been so uptight. Let loose some." She walked toward the girl. Her brown eyes had some type of fire in her eyes that gave Sadie chills.

Sadie moved back. "No, Millie! You don't get the right to tell me that! You don't get the right to call me 'baby' or flirt or mess with my heart. You cheated on me and made me feel like some bug stuck under your shoe.

"Well, no! I've moved on. I've... I've realized what I'm worth now. So I'm sorry if you don't think all that highly of me, but I'm done depending on what you think! I'm in a good position in my life, and nothing you say can ruin that for me!"

Sadie touched her face, noticing she started crying. She wiped her face, feeling stronger than ever before. Mommy's little girl isn't so broken anymore, she thought.

Her eyes shined with something fierce, something brighter than the sun. Her blue eyes were crystals, like glaciers on the ocean. "I'm not yours to toy with. Now, I'm leaving, so would you mind leaving, too?"

The girl lost her fire in brown eyes. The forest fire was put out. She stood there, shocked. She crawled out of the window, followed by Sadie, who then shut her window behind her. Hope filled Millie's eyes. "Don't get your hopes up. I'm just getting my bike."

Sadie decided to go to her library today, since she and Finn weren't on the best of terms. She biked to the familiar old building that needed some TLC. She was going to decorate the outside one day. That was one thing she was certain about.

To the beautiful girl's dismay, she was met with Finn at the courtyard of the library. "Finn?"

The boy stood up, staring into her eyes. They ran to each other, Sadie jumping into the taller boy's arms. "I've missed you so much. You have no clue," the girl cried. "And get this: I stood up to Millie!"

"No way!" Finn smiled a smile so large- and real- that it reached his eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Sadie!"

"Her mouth was agape, and, if I'm honest, I kind of feel bad. But boy did it feel good."

"Sadie?" the boy mumbled, his mood shifting.


"Why do you hate Millie so much?"

The girl sighed. She knew this would come one day. There was no avoiding it now. "She's my ex-girlfriend. She cheated on me with Jacob. That's why."

The boy's jaw dropped. "You... you dated her? You've liked girls?"

Fear bubbled in her eyes and stomach. "Yep. I'm bisexual. I hope you don't think any less of me because of who I am."

Finn chuckled. "No, I don't. If anything, I think I love you even more somehow.... Can I kiss you?"

Sadie nodded. "This time I promise I won't freak out."

The boy placed his large hands on her warm cheeks, which blossomed with delight. He brought his chapped lips to her soft red ones. It was a sweet kiss, full of passion and victory. Victory against this cruel world. Against their old selves. Against the past. All that mattered was here and now. The world could wait for once. They finally had their happiness, so couldn't the world wait?

No, I'm afraid not.

"Oh, so you can kiss him right after kissing me?"

Finn pulled back, glancing towards the girl who stood on the sidewalk. Her heels made her slightly taller. They were cherry red like the red on her lips. "Millie?" the boy called out. She waved her perfectly manicured nails at him.

He turned to Sadie. "You kissed her?!" He was furious.

The girl's eyes slightly watered. "N-no! I mean, look at her lipstick. That's a dark red. If we would've kissed, I would have lipstick on my lips, would I not? Everything I told you was true, Finn! We both fell for this girl. I thought we'd both know her tricks."

The girl a few feet away from her began to fake-cry. "I can't believe you'd blame me like this!"

He looked over at her, turning to Sadie with that same fiery look. She grabbed his chin softly. "Finn, tell me: did that kiss mean anything to you?"

He nodded.

"Then tell me this: do I mean anything to you?"

The boy's brown eyes lost their fiery touch, softening. "You're my world. My whole universe, even. I orbit around you."

"Then believe me."

She grabbed his soft hand, kissing it sweetly. She trailed up his arm and up to his lips with kisses, leaving her sweet taste. In that instant, they forgot Millie was there, if only for an instant.

And he believed her.

And the world waited, if only for an instant.

If only for an instant.

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