4: My...daughter

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I've been standing on the doorstep for an eternity. You see, I didn't even know that she doesn't like surprises. I didn't know anything about this woman.
"Hannah. I know you must have a load on your mind , but I'm not here for you. I'm here for Harrison."
Another long pause drenches the air.
"A...after all this time, you decide to come now? You're supposed to be dead Dexter. Dead. Why would you- what, where di-"
"Look, there will be plenty of time for a a Q and A later, but can we please just have a rational conversation right now?"
She looks beyond flustered. Her hands keep rising to her face, and her cheeks are flush. A group of birds chirping in the distance break the silence.
"Well, come on in then." She says coldly.
As I walk in I see a child climbing a tree from out the window. Her long strawberry blonde hair is caught up on a tree branch.
"Mooom! I'm stuck!" The girl screeches.
That one word is rocking my brain back and forth. Mom? Hannah stares at me for a moment and then goes to help the child. Mom? Mom.
"Hannah, what the fuck?"
"What happened to that rational conversation you spoke of?"
"Well that all went down the drain when... Is she?"
"Is she what?"
"You know damn well what. Is that girl my daughter?"
Sh eis not saying anything, not moving. She's still enough for me to put a frame around her face and look like an unmoving painting.
"Hannah, is she mine!? I need an answer." I'm breathing deeply now. I can feel the blood rushing to my face, the bottom half of my body hollow.
She takes a deep breath and finally, she nods. She nods and cries, I've never seen her like this before. I hear the front door open up, and then a male voice radiates through the house.
"Mom, I'm back from the store! They were out of the good brand, but I-"
"H-Harrison." I belt out, not knowing what else I could say. He is not joyed to see me. I can see his breaths becoming sharper, he's breathing like a kitten; and his hands are tearing into the brown shopping bag he brought home. His eyes become a lake that's dam gave way as the years stream down his face.
"Dad? You, but, I HATE YOU!" He throws the groceries on the floor and runs off somewhere, I'm assuming to his room.
"You know how earlier you told me I jumst have a ton on my mind? You were wrong. My mind is blank, and it had been since you left."
I give her a lengthy stare and hastily make my way out of the house. I don't know why I thought he would be searching for me too. I feel like I fool. Deb told me to wear my heart on my sleeve, but all I did was stomp on others people's, re-opening healed wounds.
I stuff myself into the janky rental car and immediately bang my head on the steering wheel.
"Shit!" My head set off the horn. I speed out of the dirt driveway, tires spinning, a mushroom cloud of dust forming behind me. I think about the tires, they're going round and round, carrying me to my destination, not caring whether it is smart to be there.
I have a daughter. Did Hannah tell her about me? I can't understand any if it, and I'm not sure if I ever will. Maybe the saying is true, ignorance is bliss.

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