An Unexpected Letter

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 In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. His name, as you may know, is none other than Bilbo Baggins; son of Bungo Baggins and Belladonna Took. Bilbo, like most baggins', was a respected hobbit, this was in part to his polite disposition and aversion to do anything out of the ordinary. However, After his return from the lonely mountain, he was respected much less fondly than before by his fellow Hobbits, but he did not mind, for he stayed out of sight in his hobbit hole. He now thinks himself happily retired from any adventures, for his "Tookish side" had faded ever since his return. In stark contrast, Bilbo's "Baggins side" was as strong as ever, and all he willed to do was to stay in his hole in the ground. We meet Bilbo several years after his return from Erebor, and he is still rather restless and "strange" for a Hobbit.

Spring Blossom - chapter 1

It was a fine April morning, Bag End looked particularly beautiful that day; The flowers were blossoming, the green was plentiful, the silence unbroken, and the brass door knob glistened in the sun. Bilbo stepped forth out his tube-shaped hall, closed his round green door, and sat on his comfortable seat - just like any other spring morning. He watched as the sun rose over the hills just beyond the river, the rolling green hills stretched on for what seemed to be forever, and basked in the suns light. Bilbo wore a yellow waistcoat, a green jacket (braided with gold buttons), a dark green cloak, a mithril shirt and his favourite boots - he was rather comfortable.

Bilbo began to blow smokes rings into the air, he made them dance around the pollen as if Gandalf himself was smoking the pipe; for he had grown to miss that wizard. Bilbo sat there for several hours that morning, he reminisced about his unexpected adventure to Erebor, and his tookish roots began to grow back. At all of a sudden he realized the time and saw that it was eleven a clock, which meant he was late for second breakfast, the baggins side was firmly back in place. Bilbo rushed back inside, and as he did so, he left the porthole door open. He cooked himself a quick second breakfast after a minor detour to the pantry, when he finally sat down to eat, as he did so, he glanced into the hallway, and saw a small letter laying on the door mat.

Bilbo was startled, for this was unexpected. His tookish side took hold; instead of indulging in his comfort food, he slowly stood up and approached the letter, leaving his food far behind. He glanced at the folded letter which now lay adjacent to his hairy feet, It was encrypted with beautiful elvish text, of which was undecipherable for Bilbo. He then grew restless and felt very Tookish at all of a sudden, However, before picking up the letter, he looked around to see if anyone was in sight.. there was not. This only added to his intrigue, Bilbo wondered about whom left him the letter, so much so that he forgot it was next to his feet. He soon gathered enough courage to pick it up, once in his hands, he scuttled of to the study to open it. The letter dwarfed Bilbos hobbit hands, and he therefore, struggled to open the elvish seal, but once he did so, He was shocked. 

The letter read as following:

Dearest Bilbo,

I have long since reminisced over our adventure to the lonely mountain, and although i recognize your fondness with comfort, i would very much like to invite you on another adventure. I am sorry but i cannot disclose details through this letter, but i can promise you that this adventure will prove to be more challenging than the last. If interested, meet me at the last homely house east of the sea (Rivendell), for supper and plans. Take the east road, as it will not lead you astray, i will be leaving Rivendell on the last night of June. See you there.

Take care and make haste,


Bilbo shoved the letter into his jacket pocket, and rushed of to the pantry for supplies, he packed his bags with urgency and was ready to set of within minutes. He was ready, he left Bag End and did not look behind as he did so, for his Took side was thriving. Bilbo made sure that the ring was in his pocket along with the letter, for safe keeping of course. He stood outside Bag End that morning with a smile across his face, for he felt very excited, in fact, he had not seen Gandalf in years. The wizard had left a pony outside the front gate for Bilbo, he strapped his bags onto it and scribbled a note on the gate which read 'I'm going on an adventure'. Bilbo mounted the pony, and began to trot along at a fair pace, this time he had not forgotten his handkerchief. He rode into the daylight without a second thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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