Lassiter's undoing

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"Lassie? " Shawn said quietly trying not to bother Carlton, but he still needed to tell him. They'd been together for a few months now, and he hated lying to him. Carlton lifted his sunken eyes from his paperwork annoyance furrowing his brow.

"Spencer, I don't have time for your frantic revelations or your wildly inappropriate-". Carlton was interrupted by lips on his, with a gentle meaningful kiss Shawn was hoping could fix everything, everything he was potentially about to ruin. As Shawn pulled away he had a smirk playing at his lips, though his eyes held a different story.

"Oh come on Lassie, you can't be mad at me already, I haven't even said anything."
Carlton, though reluctantly, pulled himself away from Shawn a blush upon his pale features.

"Spencer-”, he started. Though realizing his tone he lowered his voice. "It's too late for this, can't you see I'm busy?" He gestures to his paperwork in an annoyed motion. As though just seeing Carlton's state Shawn's smirk faltered a bit, but not long enough for Carlton to notice. His eyes filled with concern, but he was able to say his next words playfully though his tone bordered on panic.

"You look like hell Lassie, where's that sexy look of indifference? You almost look... " he trailed off trying to find the right words, "Tired". It was hard for Carlton to hide his lack of sleep as it was bordering 3 days now.

"Spencer, its me we're talking about, I don't get tired, I can't afford to." Carlton shifted uncomfortably seeing the concern in Shawn's eyes, but also feeling annoyance because why couldn't Shawn just show he was concerned? Why did everything have to be some big joke? Was Carlton a joke to him? "No.." Thought Carlton, he shakes the thought from his mind. If he was sure about anything with Shawn, it was that he cared for him.

"Lass- Carlton.. " Shawn started letting his guard down, letting his worry get to him, his features resting in a state of defeat. "I need to tell you something, but not like this.. Not when you're like this, you're going to work yourself to death." Shawn let his eyes meet Carlton's. "This isn't healthy Carlton."

Carlton unable to keep eye contact for too long looked down not wanting to see in the concern in Shawn's eyes. He was fine. Totally fine. Dammit why couldn't Shawn just let him stay in denial.. Why did he have to look at him like that? Why did he actually have to care? Why couldn't Shawn just let him self destruct. Ssh if shawn could read his mind Shawn let out a sigh and said, "I love you Carlton, I can't just sit here and let you do this to yourself" Shawn took Carlton's hand in his, "It wasn't your fault." Shawn knew this, because he knew who's fault this was, it was his. And it killed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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