Popularity Contest

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Likes, Comments, Shares
The popularity of the internet
She got 30 more likes then you
She's so much better than you
Nobody comments on your posts anymore
It must be because they hate you
Does anyone like you? 
According to your Instagram, no. 
They say you treat your phone as if it's your life
That's because it is
If you don't get recognition you're going to die. 
In your mind the only thing that matters is looking good for a photo that you post and wait for your popularity to grow
It never does though
It's because you're ugly
Eat less and they'll all love you
Starving at 12 so that people recognize you
And people wonder why we have self esteem issues
If I don't get any likes does that mean that I'm unpopular? 
If nobody comments does that mean I'm not worth their words? 
I ask myself these things daily
Anxiety tells me it's because I've never been good enough
My heart tells me it's because I'm unloved
But I know, it's because they are merely there for the same satisfaction that I lack

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