Part 25

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(Andy's P.O.V) I watched her fall to her knees and grip her hair in pain. The effect of seeing me.... I think that's one of the ways of her regaining her memory. Even so, seeing her like this only fueled my anger, as did for Count He snapped before I did, letting out a deafening growl as he sprinted towards me with his teeth bared. I cought his arm before his fist could make contact with my face, and flipped him over my shoulder. It didn't faze him, he was on his feet and attacking again inthe blink of an eye. He swung punches my way while I took steps back to avoid his knuckles. I wish I spent more time learning about vampire combat. But just catching glimpses of Y/N in her current state was enough to make me roar, and go onto offence. Big mistake. I chose to catch Count's again, but he had caught on to my tactics. He dug  his fingers into my arm too, and twisted my bone round until there was a deadly snap which made me whine. Pain burned around my shoulder area, but I didn't stop. Having him in my grip, I pulled him close and connected my knee with his crotch, hard. He cursed under his breath and stumbled, but stayed standing. Garbbing the opportunity of him being distracted, I ripped my limb out of his grip, and aimed a punch at Count's jaw. An abnormal crack rang out when the flesh covered bones connected, making Dracula take a few steps back while holding his chin. I took the time to examin my injured arm. It was bent out at an unhealthy angle,  the bone completely snapped, beyond quick repair. I held the twisted limb with my other hand, dubled over slightly, panting heavily as I glanced up at Count. He was urgently moving his jaw around, cringing at the pain until another crack was heard. Count brought way his hand to reveal his fixed face and licked his lips with a blood thirsty grin, his bone clearly back in place. My punch wasn't enough to break it, though I could sdd holes in his smile where some teeth were supposed to sit which made mw smile smugly at my work. but this wasn't over. It wasn't going to be until one of our blood's were spilled on the floor....

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