Part 27

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(Andy's P.O.V) Next thing I knew, my stomach was punctured, my left knee bone was snapped in half and I was laying half dead on the floor. Streaks of my now black blood slipped down my chin, choking slightly as the substance lingerd in my mouth. I feebly coughed, and groaned in pain while holding my bleeding gut. I heard heavy footsteps followed by a chuckle. I squinted as I looked up and saw Count staring down at me with a cocky grin, the dark liquid from his eye still pouring down his cheek. He laughed at my pain, and stood on my injured arm which lay out. I gritted my teeth as he crushed it even further with his weight. My hands clenched into fists as i closed my eyes, pain travelling from everywhere in my body, making my head reel and my heart pound, I heard Count chuckle again, and his irritating voice yell "Andrew! Giving up so soon, my friend? I thought we were having fun!" I glared at him through the slits of my eyes, my sight blurry but his remaining one red eye shone clear as day through the faze. "Fuck you." I whispered, my voice strained. Dracula shrugged with clear amusement. "Oh well. It was nice knowing you, my friend." He said, and raised something to point directly at my skull. I soon focused, and realised it was my own silver bullet gun. "I found this in your jacket. Hope you don't mind." Count jojed, hacing way too much fun with this. I sighed  letting, letting my eyes close. Well, it was good life, I suppose. I awaited a gun shot, and permanent darkenss, but it didn't come. Instead, I heard a yell, then an utter crash followed by a deadly snarl. I glanced up to see Count gone, and at the other side of the room, pinned up against the wall by an oh so familiar figure with a swaying, black spiky tail....

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