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Winter is nearing. That means more work for me to do. Yay.

I put my coat on and grabbed the shovel.

I needed to clear the front yard today or else I wouldn't be allowed to eat dinner tonight.

As I was clearing the front yard and putting aside all the snow. A sudden rush of cold liquid went through my spine.

"What the fuc—" I turn around seeing a laughing Jungkook with a snowball on his hand.

"Oh, it is on" I declared. I dropped the shovel and scooped a handful of snow in my hands forming it into a ball.

Soon as I know it we started a snowball fight.

"Yah! Jungkook. You're going to be dead" I laughed, throwing the ball that hit his shoulder. I doubt that he felt it.

We both threw our last snowballs, obviously, he dodged it. While his snowball landed in my face.

I covered my face, pretending like I was hurt.

"Lisa, oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean that" he pulled me in for a hug.

And me being the little trickster that I am. I slid a batch of snow inside of his shirt, making him screech like a girl.

I laughed at his reaction.

"That's what you get" I boasted. I laughed as twice as hard when he pouted his lips and crossed his arms in front of his chest making him look like an adorable rabbit.

He laughed along.

"That's the first beautiful smile I've seen from you today" his jaw dropped as soon as those words slipped his mouth.

  I'm sure he didn't mean that. Right?

I rolled my eyes at him when his cheeks turned crimson red.

The second we looked at each other, we smiled.

How can you look at someone and smile for no reason?

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