You're In My Mind

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- Cyrus, Fitz ask me for the divorce. I don't know what to do, it must have been the bullet, this accident changed him. Help me or his political career is done. What i am going to do i'm pregnant with America's baby this is...

Cyrus stood up - What the hell are you talking about? I can't believe that he did that. Calm down Mellie, everything is going to be just fine, no divorces today. - He said low - This has something to do with Olivia Pope...

- Olivia? - Mellie sat down - Olivia Pope??? I am not feeling very well Cyrus, please call my obgyn i am nine months pregnant and i thing that my baby boy is going to born RIGHT NOW. I just have to...

The flouts fainted, Cyrus left the room and let the redhead do her job. While she was like that her obgyn, Addison Montgomery, a tall bisexual good looking redhead, was looking at her in a certain way. She was appreciating every single thing about Mellie. Her brunette hair, her soft lips and even her cute chin dimple. Softly, Addie started to touch Melody's hair. The redhead always had a crush on the first lady, Mellie was so delicate and that provoked weird feelings on Montgomery. Feelings that she never understood, but in that moment, the only thing that she wanted to do was kiss those lips.

I can't! - She thought. - She is the freaking first lady of the united states of America, she is pregnant, and i have Mark. Besides she is straight, she looks straight. This is just a crush, Addison Adrianne you will get through this.

Mellie woke up. - Hey you're back Miss Grant, how are you feeling? - Addison said recomposing herself.

- I am not okay Dr. Montgomery.
- Not okay about the baby? Miss Grant let me run some tests.
- No. About Fitzgerald! That stupid asshole is asking me for the divorce and i don't know what to do.

(Addison and Melody know each other for a long time, she assisted Mellie through Jerry and Karen pregnancy and now here she is again).

- Miss Grant, i am so sorry! I am sure that you two will get through this, this happens between couples. It used to happen between me and Violet and now it happens with Mark. - The redhead was feeling sadness and happiness at the same time. She just wanted her to divorce him and run away with her.

- You know Dr, he is with me for years but i know that he never loved me. I loved him, i still love him. He is Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III.

Montgomery didn't know what to say. - Let me run an ultrasound to see how everything is going on with this baby boy. Well, you two are just fine, he is going to stay there for more two or three weeks. You fainted because of the stress. You gotta stay calm, i am always telling you that. - Addison cleaned the instrument - If you need anything call me, you can go.

She walked out the room with her usual black scarpin and let the flotus get dressed. They hugged.

Back in her home, Addie couldn't stop thinking about Grant, about how perfect she is. The phone rang. - What do you want? - Come here baby, i miss you. - Not tonight Mark, i had a busy day.

Those thoughts were stuck in Addison's head, forbidden thoughts that she was not allowed to have.

- Hey, sorry for being so rude, can you come over here?
- Of course baby, a little bit of Mark to relax. I'm coming.

This relationship with Sloan wasn't very serious. Addison liked him but he only wanted to know about sex and to be honest he was really good at this. But so was she.

Mark was sit on Montgomery's couch. While he was watching, the redhead took her white social shirt button by button and then her usual pencil skirt. Only with lingerie on, Addie sat on Mark's lap and he started to do his job.

They were being loud as always, they were both very good in their "jobs".

She couldn't handled it anymore. Addison was in her limit and when it happened she screamed gasping...

- M... MELLIE!

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