Dance it Out

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- MELLIE? Who the hell is Mellie? Wait... Mellie is the Mellie from the white house? Oh Addison, noooo. - he stood up and started to get dressed.

- Don't go Mark, it was one mistake! One time that i did the wrong thing, that i said the wrong thing.

She meant it, she was feeling that. The redhead was confused, she was thinking about Mellie the whole time. Maybe she was in love. Why now? She knows Grant for years. Always had that stupid crush, but it was only physical. Maybe it was because of the divorce between Mel and Fitz, maybe it was because in that time that Mellie was fainted Addie was appreciating her. Addison was in love, completely in love with that gorgeous woman.

Mark left. Addie grab a glass of red wine, put "Friends" on and then felt a sleep on the couch.

The phone rang.

- Addison? Finally! The America's baby just born and you were supposed to gave birth! What happened?
- Hi Arizona... Wait what? Mellie's baby just born? Who gave the birth? What time is it?
- It's 10 am and i dealt with it don't worry. Tell me what happened. Do you need any help?
- No Az thanks, it was a stupid fight with Mark. Tell Bailey that i am going to take this week off. I need to clear my mind.
- Okay i will. Don't forget that Saturday night we have that big party at Joe's. 9 pm. Bring someone.
- Can i go with you two please? Callie wouldn't mind right?
- Don't worry girl of course! Enjoy these days.

Saturday night

Addison was taking a shower. Her perfectly wet sculpted body was craving for that girl, for that one and only girl, not anyone, her. She finished. Put some leather tight black pants on and a baggy reddish blouse with a big cleavage where it was able to see her bra. To finish, her usual black scarpin and a beautiful choker.
While she was waiting for them in front of her house, Addison lit a cigarette. Her addiction. Well, her other addiction.

- Put down that thing!!
- Heyyy! Arizona, Callie, how are you girls?
- We're great! How are you? How is that thing with Mark?
- Never mind, i think that it is really over.
- Addie you deserve better! Mark is Mark you know. You will get better.
- Oh Arizona, don't talk like that about my Mark!
- I can't Callie. He stares at my boobs!
- 'Cause they are good boobs!!
Addie laughed - girls girls, i know that you both have huge problems - Montgomery said in an ironic tone - but let's go have some fun!

When they arrived at Joe's, Addie was feeling weird. She was feeling observed. The ambient was field with loud music and dozens of drunk people but still she was feeling weird.

- Dr. Montgomery... Hey Doc?? - Addison heard a voice. Not too far away. She started looking for the strange noise.
- Who is calling me? - She said. Nobody answered, maybe she was imagining things. She came back to near her friends. Meanwhile she felt someone touching her shoulder.

- What do you... Oh my god, Miss Grant!! What are you doing here? And those clothes, your hair, you're so messy... And so drunk! - Addie smelled her breath.
- Shhhh, no one recognizes me with this outfit.
- You just had a baby! You were supposed to be in the white house with him and Fitz. Sober!
- I want Fitz to go fuck himself. That stupid bastard.
- Ohh Miss Grant, one more problem for me to solve! - Addie laughed.

She grabbed Mellie by the waist and called a cab. She said goodbye to Arizona and Callie and took Mellie to her apartment. That girl was not okay.

When they arrived at Montgomery's apartment, Mellie took a shower and put one of Addie's nightdresses on.

- Stay here for a minute miss Grant, i'm going to put my pajamas on.
- Oh Addison, please call me Mellie, or Melody or Scorned Woman... - Mel laugh really loud.
- Then okay, i will be right back Scorned Woman - She left the living room shaking her head and softly laughing.

While getting dressed, Addison heard music coming from her living room. More specifically Shakira. Mellie was feeling the latin rhythms all over her body, dancing like there's no tomorrow, no responsibilities, completely and totally drunk.

Addison was observing her, better, starring at her in a trance. Grant was so perfect, so cute a total dork.

- Join me, let's get the party started!! - the brunette said almost screaming.
- What? - she got out of the trance. Mellie!! Shhhh, my neighbors you crazy!
- Oh Addie Addie, let's have some fun. - Mellie grabbed Addison's hand and forced her to dance.
- What the hell! - They both started do dance like crazy. You could see Montgomery's smile glowing. She was happy, dancing with the woman of her dreams.

They danced, and danced and danced. Some hours later they were very tired and decided to go to bed.

- Here it is the guest room, if you need something wake me. You know where my room is.

Addison walked to her bedroom, laid down on her bed and 10 minutes later Mellie knocked the door.

- I don't want to be alone, can i please sleep with you tonight?

This was Montgomery biggest dream coming true. - Yes of course... - she said kinda confuse.

Grant felt a sleep and the redhead was appreciating her all over again. Her hair, her cute chin dimple , her lips... Woah those lips, she just wanted to kiss those lips...

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