Tequila and Confessions

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How hard this was for Addison. Having the woman of her dreams in her bed and not being able to do any of the things that she wanted to. She couldn't sleep. Left the room, grabbed a glass of water and started walking like crazy around her big house. It was impossible to sleep in the same bed as Mellie Grant, with those feelings, and she didn't want to wake her, she was sleeping like a baby, so Addison decided to spend the night on the couch.

- Dr. Montgomery!!! Dr. Montgomery, open the door right now! - Addie woke up, heard someone screaming. Slowly, all messy and with her pajamas on, she walked through the door.

- Good Morning, i am Cyrus Beene. White House's chief of staff. Are you with Mellie Grant doctor?

- It's 6 am in the morning... - she said with her eyes barely open - but yes, she is sleeping in my room. It's right there. - she pointed.

Thank god Cryus knocked Addie's door. She was again late for work. But for other side, she was sad because that meant Mellie was leaving.

- Addison, call me later! I had a blast. Can you meet me tonight at Joe's? I'll wear my cover again! - Grant laugh. To be honest she was still kinda drunk.

The redhead wanted immediately to say yes but her conscience didn't let her. - Today i have a lot of work, maybe. But wait, Seattle and Washington DC are not that close. Are you going to DC now and then come back to Seattle later?

- No, i'm going to stay here today, visiting the town. But if i wanted to, i could baby. I have a private jet waiting for me in the airport. I am the flouts or are you forgotten? And Addison please i know that you'll be there.

- I can always get some time to see the first lady of the united states. Otherwise i could be arrested for not have time to see the most powerful woman in the planet! - she exclaimed with an ironic tone. Addison was the definition of irony.

Yes baby, you will get arrest! - Mellie screamed while hugging her friend.

- Mellie, i'm here to get you to the white house right now! - Irritated Beene said. 

- Bye Cyrus, i'm going to stay here today. - Mellie said laughing and they both watched him leaving the house.

- Mel get dressed, you can use my clothes, and go take a walk, i really have to work. See you later.

Quickly Addison got dressed too and made her usual way to the hospital. She was thinking about Grant 24/7. Montgomery was so happy, in the end of the day she was going to see her again.

- Addie! Why are you all so smiley? It looks like someone is in love... - Arizona said singling while Addison was arriving to the hospital.

- What?? - She said suspiciously. - You are crazy Arizona, only you, only you...

- If you say so... Oh and last night i saw you waking out of Joe's with - Az approached Addie and said quietly - Mellie Grant.

Without even thinking, Addison smiled when her friend said that name of the woman that she loved. It was bigger than her.

- See! That's "in love" smile. But wait... Mellie Grant, Addison?! Mellie Grant?! She is the first lady of the united states of america, she is married to the president! Besides, she is straight!

- I know! But i can't help it. And Callie was "straight" too and now look, you guys are married. You never now these things Arizona. Tonight we are meeting at Joe's. I'm so excited but at the same time this is wrong.

The blonde smiled and hugged her friend by the shoulder. - Hmmm Mellison, what a great ship name. You guys would make an incredible couple i'm sure.

- Stop. I know. - Addie whispered and then laughed. - I can not think about Mellie now, i have a patience. - She showed her pager, kissed Az in the cheek and started walking quickly. It was able to hear the louder noise that she always do with her scarpin. You hear that noise and you know for sure that that is Addison Montgomery.

It was 10 pm and Montgomery was extremely busy, she lost the notion of time. Her phone rang.

- Adds, i'm here waiting. Where are you?

- Mellie, i'm so sorry i know i'm late. I'm leaving the hospital right now. Wait for me and start ordering the drinks.

Addison didn't have time to change clothes. She was worried about it, she wanted to impress the woman. Addie was wearing her usual clothes. A Pencil skirt with a social white shirt. In the head a messy bun.

- Mel! I'm here! - they hugged. - Ignore my clothes, i came directly from the hospital.

- Oh Addison, you look terrific as always don't worry. Look at me - Mellie laught.

- YOU... look terrific as always... - Montgomery whispered while looking at Grant's dress. Those curves...

They sat and Mellie was already ordered many many shots of tequila.

- So, you are dating that hottie on plastics. Mark Sloan right? - Grant said to breaks the silence.

Addison was starting at her in a way, she was starving. - Oh sorry yes, he was a hottie. We broke up. That wasn't going to work either way. And you and Fitz, how are you guys?

- Ohh. Fitz and me.. Well Fitz is always talking about the divorce. It's because of that Olivia Pope. But i won't give up and i don't want to talk about Fitz right now. - they were drinking like crazy again. - Do you want me to set you up with someone? I can give you Jake Ballard's phone number or Abby Whelan's.

- No, no, thanks. I don't want them. - sadly Addie said.

- So you want someone... Who do you want Addison Montgomery. Tell me, you can tell me everything!

The redhead was making the "no" sign with her head.

- Please tell me! Who do you want?

- Mel i don't want anyone believe me... - Laughing.

Mellie approached - You? Addison Montgomery? Known for dating half of this world, that Addison doesn't want anyone? Hmmm not gonna buy that. You can tell me, c'mon we are friends!

- Do you really want to know? Are you sure? This can change everything.

- Yes Addie. I want to.

- Okay. Wow, how am i going to say this... Mellie. I want... I want you Melody Margaret Grant. I want you more than anything in this world.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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