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Jeon Cena💪🏻
What the fuck how did you get that?? When?? Why??

It doesn't matter, Jeongguk

I know ur secret

Jeon Cena💪🏻
I don't even know who tf you are??

Ofc you don't. We haven't fucked so why would you know me?

Jeon Cena💪🏻
You make me sound like some man whore

No...but your morals are fucking pathetic

Jeon Cena💪🏻
My morals??? Wtf would you know??

Because I've liked you for MONTHS, and was never noticed by you once. We talked every fucking day.

But as soon as someone prettier comes along...you fucking chase them like a lovesick school boy.

That just happens to be Kim fucking Taehyung

Jeon Cena💪🏻

From my arts class??

Yes! So you did see me...I just didn't catch your attention

But why does Kim? He's nothing special

Pretty average to me

Jeon Cena💪🏻
Shut up.

Jeon Cena💪🏻
Taehyung is very special to me. He's one if not the most important things in my life.

Jeon Cena💪🏻
He became my friend, even when I pushed him away, and stuck with me. He's not nothing.

Ahhh I see

He must fuck pretty well huh?

Jeon Cena💪🏻
We haven't done anything, Soojung. And if we did, it's non of your concern.


Jeon Cena💪🏻
Wtf do you want anyway. Our life shouldn't concern you.

Oh, but it does.

What I want is quite simple...

I want you to break up with Kim Taehyung.

Jeon Cena💪🏻
Ur fucking crazy. There's no way I'll do that.

Oh really?

I think you should consider it.

Jeon Cena💪🏻
No. I'm not. This is stupid.

Jeon Cena💪🏻
Stop being jealous and live your own life.

Jeon Cena💪🏻
I'm not interested in you, I like Taehyung, and I have Taehyung. He's all I need.


I'm seriously trying to help you here, Kookie

Jeon Cena💪🏻
Don't call me that.

And why the Hell would I need your help?

Let me rephrase help...


Jeon Cena💪🏻
Warning me???

Jeon Cena💪🏻
You're fucking psycho, warning me about what???

Warning you...

If you don't break up with Kim Taehyung by Friday...

Then I'll post this picture all over the school's website and social media.


A/N- *sips tea*
No, Jeongguk hasn't come out, he's been with guys before, but it's been a secret. It'll explain in a few chapters. What do you think Jeongguk's going to do? Maybe your vote will have something to do with it? Who knows? 1 or 2. Remember.

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