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Minghao zipped up his luggage after spending five minutes pressing down onto the slightly overpacked suitcase. It was only going to be a day, Minghao didn't know why he was compelled to pack so much. But Junhui did say to bring some sort of suit or smart looking outfit. Minghao hadn't the slightest clue what Junhui had planed for them but granted, he never did. Junhui was just full of surprises... And money.

Both of which led Minghao into this current situation of being surprised by a chauffeur taking him to some hotel smack dab in the city.

He hummed softly to himself and made sure he had everything. Keys, phone wallet... Yep, everything seemed to be in his possession. Minghao then checked the time, quick to grab his luggage off of the bed as the driver would be here any second.

"Bye, Seokmin! Make sure if Mingyu brings home Wonwoo hyung, they don't go into my room" Minghao instructed, waving goodbye to his flatmate who was wasting away on the couch.

Seokmin just laughed. "Sure thing, Hao. Have fun with your family"

Minghao winced. He had exactly told anyone about him and Junhui's relationship... In fact, they were keeping it a secret from everyone. Wen Junhui: soon to be CEO of  Wen Incorporated dating some random struggling University student, choosing him over current fiancé, Choi Seuljin. Yeah, that's a headline Minghao would rather not see on every newspaper.

Minghao bid his last goodbye and rushed out of the house, messily dragging his suitcase as to not keep the driver waiting.


The second Minghao had opened his eyes, they had arrived at their destination. He hid a yawn behind his hand and sat back up, staring out the window to witness all of the extravagant scenery and architecture of the hotel. He gaped in awe. This looked so expensive.

Minghao thanked the driver and clambered out of the car. Once he had found himself standing in the entrance of the hotel, Minghao soon realised that he didn't know where the hell he was supposed to go. Junhui hadn't said much over text, only to meet him at the hotel at 6:00. Well, he was at the hotel now, so-

"Xu Minghao?" One of the hotel staff walked up to Minghao with a polite smile, snapping the 20-year-old out from his thoughts.

"Uh-yes?" He stuttered, startled from the sudden voice and also the fact that this guy knew his name.

"Mr Wen asked you to meet him in the moon suite on the 17th floor" The staff members spoke, handing a baffled Minghao a key card.

He accepted the key with a hesitant hand, bowing slightly to thank the employee who was quick to turn his back and return to his duties. Minghao's heart rate was accelerating quickly as the thought of seeing his boyfriend of 4 months made him a little panicked for no reason. Minghao hadn't a clue as to why. Maybe he was just embarrassed that Junhui was doing all these things for him. First, it was dinners at fancy restaurants, then it was designer apparel (that Minghao claimed he didn't want but secretly he really really did) and now, lavish suites that probably cost more than all five houses Minghao had lived in throughout his life. Junhui was just too reckless in spending money on his (somewhat) new boyfriend.

So, Minghao finally set foot on the sparkling marble flooring with his old, worn in vans and awkwardly made his way to the elevators. He looked so out of place from all the people scattered around the lobby, dressed in sophisticated attire in contrast to his ripped jeans and graphic shirt.

He pressed the button labelled 17 and waited until he reached the specific floor.

Minghao stepped off of the elevator and followed a sign that pointed him to where the suites were all located. Finally, he found a door with "MOON SUITE" printed on a small plaque. He had almost missed it. Exhaling a shaky breath (due to a mix of both excitement and anxiousness), Minghao tapped the keycard on the lock, hearing the beep to signal that the door had now been unlocked. He pushed the door open to reveal one of the most exquisite rooms he had ever seen. Good God, this one suite was bigger than the flat he shared with Mingyu and Seokmin. Minghao felt as if he had walked into one of the many rooms inside a palace.

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