5-4: Reft Spirit

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I was surprised to discover that despite the clan's overall care-free appearance, there was a lot going on underneath. Levi must have given instructions that I didn't know about. While we were having dinner around the bonfire and dozed to music afterwards, a group was out keeping watch over the transport and its cargo.

In fact, they not only kept watch, but began making preparations to move the eggs. The steep, hilly area wouldn't make for easy moving, but there was enough creativity among them to figure something out.

It wasn't until the next morning, after I woke in my little corner of a tent they'd offered me, that I saw this in action. This involved lots of ropes, moss and wooden platforms fastened with makeshift wheels.

Horizon buzzed all around the procession, half curious about the clan's ingenuity, half worried that something would break and drop an egg to an untimely demise. For the most part, things went smoothly. I won't say there weren't any cracked shells here or there, but the eggs were surprisingly tough. Especially the little black one.

By mid afternoon, they'd emptied the transport and lifted all the eggs to the safety of the Grove.

By mid afternoon, they'd emptied the transport and lifted all the eggs to the safety of the Grove

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At first, I was a little hesitant to enter the Grove. Grandma's words rang through my mind, both a challenge and a warning. I didn't know what truth I was supposed to find there that I didn't already know. Things were complicated enough already without adding more to it.

Still, I was one of the few who understood the flows of crystal energies and knew how to set it up so that the nest was sustained. I didn't have a lot of choice but to enter the Grove to do this.

When I strode inside and nothing of note happened, I shook off the Elder's advice. She was probably just messing with me using her cryptic Grandma-speak. The only thing that was different in the Grove was that the other spirits didn't shy away from me as much as they once did.

I got right to setting up the crystal arrangement, though. I didn't really want to spend more time in the Grove than I needed.

 I didn't really want to spend more time in the Grove than I needed

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I glanced up to see Levi's mate, Sura, standing there. From the tone of her voice and her aggressive stance, I could tell she wasn't there to shoot the breeze.

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