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[Chapter one]

"I've been holding my breath for too long

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"I've been holding my breath for too long. Now I'm running out of air. I've been crying, hoping, waiting
Do you even care?"
                             -Miss Li

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All that could be heard in the dance studio was the taping of a clock and someone panting, that someone being collapsed on the floor in a tired mess with her eyes closed and breathing heavy. She had stayed at the studio for hours trying to perfect a dance she could already do perfect. But that wasn't enough, the dance had to be in her muscle memory and it definitely did not help that she was extremely nervous for the performens she would be doing in just two days.

Caroline considered going to her cousin to confide with him if she was doing everything right since he too was a dancer, maybe not the same sort of dancer but still a dancer. Opening her tired red eyelids, from getting to little sleep, she looked over to the clock on the wall to her left. As she saw what the clock was she came to the conclusion that she was going to go to where her cousin probably was at the time. His job as a show-man on a bar, some might call it gay but it was actually mostly for women, though the occasional man did show up.

Getting up from the wooden floor she put on a pair of gray sweat-pants over her small tight shorts and a matching gray hoody that she sipped up all the way over her white tank-top. When she had covered her dance clothes with warmer for the night air, she took her black training bag and her phone and pushed the door open with her back. She strutted down the stairs in the building and when she came to the first floor she provided to walking out the doors of the building. The air was cold and fresh or as fresh as city air gets and it made her eyes slightly water.

The bar her cousin was performing on was about three blocks away, and she couldn't wait to get there and out of the cold. It wasn't that cold but it felt extremely cold when you had been in a warm room dancing with no air conditioner. Starting to make her way down the street it didn't go long until she was at the bar. Walking in the bar full of women with skimpy clothing in many different colors. Some women gave her a glare as she passed them and went up to the bar counter.

"Do you have any coffee?" she questioned the man at the counter opening her hoody and tying it around her small waist.

"Yeah," he answered. "What brings you here to drink coffee at 12 pm?" The blond man shuffled behind the counter to get her coffee and then turned around to her with a classic white porcelain cup.

She took the cup and turned around and looked at the stage where her cousin was with another guy, dancing dirty. "I came to talk to my cousin."

He hummed as he handed five shot's to a woman before going back to Caroline. "Is she here watching the dancers?" he asked as he leaned on the counter looking down at her.

"He and no," she stated and took a sip of her coffee. "He is one of the dancers." The bar-tender nodded before taking a quick look at the stage.

"Okay," he said and went over helping some other people. It must have been the end of the night since Joe her cousin just got done dancing. She decided to walk back stage to talk to him, so she got up from the bar stool and wandered over to the door that led back stage. As she got back stage half naked men entered her sight, one of them stood up.

"Hey you can't be back here," he who had stood up said and was about to push her beck out of there.

"No wait," she heard a voice say. "I know her." Looking over the shoulder of the person standing in front of her she saw her cousin.

"Hi, Joe," she greeted and moved, so she could hug him.

"Hi Care," he hugged her. "What are you doing here?" he asked and let her go to look at her as they spoke.

"I'm sorry to come unprepared for but I needed your help with something," She said and looked around the room realizing everyone was looking at her, probably wondering who she is. Joe seemed to realize that everyone was looking at them, so he took her elbow in his hand and pulled her in to a room at the side of the room.

"What do you need help with?" he questioned and let go of her elbow. "Are you in danger or something?" He ran his hand through his curly hair, clearly worried about her safety. She had always been like a sister to him.

"No, no," she said hurriedly, not liking to see her cousin worried. "You know how I'm supposed to dance in a dance show in a week?" he nodded his head no longer worried about the Brunette standing infront of him. "I'm really worried about how it's gonna go, so I have been at my dance studio for almost the whole day, practicing the dance." She stated, and he now understood why she looked so tired. "I just can't get it right and I want you to tell me what I'm doing wrong."

"Okay," he agreed. "I'm just gonna finish up here then you can show me your dance." He ruffled her hair and walked out of the room they was in, she soon followed him. The room the others was in was quiet.

"I'll-I'll just go to the bar and wait till you're done," the female said and headed out of the backroom, hearing them start to talk when she had walked out. there really wasn't many left. The most of them must've come here to watch the dancing perfomens and not to just drink alcohol.

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A/n hope you liked this chapter guys and I would love it if you kept on reading.

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