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[Chapter two]

"And now we're kicking up to seventh gear and we're breathing in the atmosphere and I don't even need a sip of beer Yeah I can feel it all"
-Conan Gray

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As she sat at the bar waiting, not drinking anything since she was lightweight. Biting her nails so she had something to do. The bar tender, that she now knew as Jeff- even though he really looked like an Adam, was cleaning glasses with the cloth that had previously been hung over his shoulder, like every classical bartender in a movie. There was no other customers at the counter at the time.

"You know it's bad to bite your nails," came a vise behind her. She turned around to se who was talking to her. It was a handsome male with buzzed hair.

"I know but I can't stop," the brunette said and retracted her hand from her mouth. "Are you one of the dancers I recognize you as the guy who was gonna push me from back stage." There was nothing hostile in her voice just a bit of amusement.

"Yeah, I'm Mike," he chuckled and put out his hand. She took it and gave him a firm hand shake. "So what did you want with Richie?" She looked down at her hands that were sprawled out on the counter.

"My names Caroline I am a dancer too," she stated. "I have this show coming up next week and I'm so nervous that I keep messing up," looking up from her twiddling fingers she looked in to Mike's beautiful eyes. "I want Rich to tell me what I'm doing wrong, so I can get better at it." His face just got covered by a smirk.

"If you want to I can stay and see what you're doing wrong," he said as he looked her over. She is beautiful.

"Sure," Caroline agreed. "But it's not as interesting as your dances." She was a bit amused, he probably thought I was some stripper or something.

"I would find it hot even if you danced as a nun." His flirtatious comment made the female dancers face flush the lightest shade of pink. "'cause with that body practically everyone would." Before she could respond to what he said she got cut of.

"Cut it of Mike," Richie's vice came from beside you. "There is no way you will ever have sex with my cousin." Of course, he was gonna be protective over you, because you were practically his sister since he had no real one.

"Are you ready," she asked a bit nervous. "Can I show you my dance?"

"Yeah, we have a room in this building that we practice in." His voice was as warm as it always was when he talked to her.

"I can show you," Mike said and took her hand making her stand from her chair. Dragging her even to the room her cousin was talking about, him tagging along with them. It didn't take long for them to arrive at their practice room, since the room wasn't far away. "Here you go."

She tried to push open the door, it was locked. "It's locked, can you unlock it?" She turned around to face them, the older Rodrigo had already pulled up a key for the room.

"Of course just move away," moving to the side, so he could unlock the door she pressed her back against the wall. "Now it's unlocked." They all walked in to the room. She put her bag down beside the door before starting to take of her pants.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" Mike was surprised that she would just so easily take off her clothes in front of men.

"Chill, I have shorts under and it feels like these sweat pants will come in the way." She pulled them down and placed them on the floor. "Now, where do you have your speaker?"

"Here," she walked over bent down and connected the phone to the speaker. Mike was enjoying the view of her firm behind, he could imagine himself giving it a slap and it bounce after.

As she stood up again she said, "tell me what I'm doing wrong" and started the song. He thought it was going to be an old ballet song or something.

After the song ended the was breathing heavily and looked over to her cousin. "So what was bad." "I think it was just that youstress through it," Richie confessed. "Try it again, try not to stress and it will be just fine." She smiled up at him and ran to him giving him a hug around his torso.

"Thanks I knew you would help me," letting him go she looked to the other man in the room. "And even though you didn't do much Mike thanks." She stated with a small smile. Mike could have sworn his heart melted at that second even though he didn't show it. "Anyway I should start getting home so I can finally get some sleep."

"Bye, Caroline." Both men said at the same time as she walked to the door picked up her bad and put her pants on then continued on her way out.

"Goodbye, boys." She didn't turn around to say it and hust kept walking.

When they heard the door close the raven haired male looked to the other man and said. "Mike you better not get together with her," glaring at the younger man. "But if you do you better treat her right." He walked out of the room.

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A/N I just want Mike and Caroline to have sex now like why does humans have to be so freaking complicated.

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