Message from: Unknown: Hey dork it's me.

Alexis: Who is "me"?

Unknown: Meet me at the willow tree in the park in ten minutes.

Alexis: Are you going to kill me?

Unknown: No. Why would I tell you to meet me in the park in the middle of the day if I was going to kill you? Think about it Alexis.

Alexis: I guess you're right but why me? Do I know you?

Unknown: Youd better.

Alexis: Did you go to school with me?

Unknown: I graduated three years ago but yes. I was a senior when you were a freshie.

Alexis: Fine. Give me half an hour. I at least want to look decent if I'm going to get murdered.

Unknown: Half an hour starting... now.

I get up out of bed and put on makeup and put my platinum blonde hair into a high pony tail. I pick out a white crop top with a baby pink mini skirt and white pumps. I grab my phone and go downstairs and pass my dad and grab a granola bar out of the fridge. I don't know why he keeps them there, but he does. "Where you going bebe?" My dad asked. "Oh, I'm meeting a friend at the park. I'll text you when I get there. I love you." I say and walk out to the garage and open the door to get my white convertable onto the driveway. I turned on my Bluetooth and put on "Youngblood" by 5 Seconds of Summer. It's just been me and my dad since I was 6 because my mom divorced him and she wanted the dog and he wanted me. It's okay though, I count ask for a better life. My dad is the CEO of star records, Simon Cowell. All I have to do is look at something and he buys it for me. I think it's out of guilt, but I guess I'm okay with it. I park in my dad's usual parking spot at the park and shoot dad a text saying I got here safe.

Alexis: M'kay mysterious human I'm here.

Unknown: I know. You're standing beside your convertible looking for me. I swear I'm not going to hurt you.

Alexis: Yep. Walking to the tree now.

I moved the leaves to the willow tree and saw a man with an eyebrow piercing, a lip piercing, and lots of tattoos, with a white t~shirt, black jeans, and combat boots. But his emerald green eyes were familiar. "Harry?" I said fearfully. "That's right, dork. How do ya like me now?" He smirks that smirk that I forgot all about. Harry was my bully 9th grade year. He made my life a living hell. And the bad part is I have no idea why. "Please don't hurt me, Harry." I say looking at the ground. Every ounce of confidence has left my body. "I'm over hurting you Lex. Let me take you to lunch. Please?" He asks. His eyes soften. "Is this a joke or something? You made my life miserable for an entire year and I have no idea why. Why would I go to lunch with you? Besides my dad would have a cow. And a sheep. And a whole farm." I say thinking about the consequences. "Just as friends. And I'll even make a deal with you, I'll pay for it and you can ask me any questions as long as we're there and I get to do the same. Deal?" He holds out his hand. I do want to jnow so much about him and why he is the way he is and I get lunch. Maybe he is being sincere. Worth a try. "Deal, but I'm taking my car and meeting you wherever we're going. And if I feel uncomfortable, I will get up and leave." I shook his hand. He held it for a second and smiled. He has dimples. I poked one before I could stop myself and he laughed. He walked me to my car and said to follow him in his black range rover.
We went to this cute little bakery I don't remember the name of and he ordered for us. That's cute, I like that. "So where have you been hiding for 3 years?" I break the silence. "I went to America for a couple years to help my dad in Seattle with his publishing company. It's not my thing though." He says. "Oh, I've never been to America. It must be beautiful." I smile imagining going to America. "It is. Can we start over? I hate the way I used to treat you, over something stupid." He asks with no harshness at all. How can he have changed so much? "I'd like that, but why did you treat me so bloody terrible?" I ask. "Do you want honesty?'' He asks. "That was the deal Harrold." I smirk. "I have a crush on you, and that was the only way to deal with my feelings." He sighs. "And what about now?" He grabbed my hand over the table. "I'm going to make it up to you." He says and our food arrives. We both got chicken salad sandwiches and tomato basil soup. "Wow this stuff is amazing. How do you suppose you are going to make up a year of hell?" I ask taking another spoonful of the soup. "Becoming your new best friend and show you how fun I am." He smiles and makes me smile. He pokes my cheek where a simple would be and I pretend to bite at his finger. "Hey! I need that!" He laughs. Wow his laugh is pretty. "Nah. You have 9 more." I laugh.
We finish lunch in a comfortable silence. He pays as promised and we exit the bakery and I notice it's called Anne's Bakery. "Thank you for lunch, it was really good." I smile. My phone rings and it's my dad. "Hold on, my dad's calling."

D: Are you going to be home for dinner?

A:I don't know. I'll probably catch dinner with Alyssa if you're busy, why?

D: I need to go to London for a meeting tomorrow and I was going to go ahead and leave if you were going to stay out.

A: That's fine daddy. I'm fine on my own, I am 18 you know.

D: I know bit I hate leaving you.

A: I'm fine. I love you, be safe. Call me when you get there.

D: Alright bebe. I love you too. Bye.

"What did he say?" He's leaving for London to go to some kind of meeting and he wanted to make sure I was fine on my own. He doesn't like to leave me alone." I shrug. "Well do you want to come back to my place? We can hang out and play in the pool and I can teach you how to make that soup?" He offers. "I don't want to bother you." I say looking down. "You're perfectly fine. Louis and Liam and Niall aren't here anymore so I need new friends." He laughed. "Then I guess I will. I really hate being a burden on people." I smile. " You're not a burden." He opens my car door for me. I sit down. "I need to run by my house and grab a bathing suit and stuff so follow me then I'll follow you." I smile. "Lead the way captain." He saluted me and we drove a couple blocks to my house. I unlock my house and tell him he can come in. We walk up to my room and I grab my PINK bag and my strapless white and hot pink bathing suit and two towels, my shampoo and conditioner, and new underwear. While he's coming up the stairs. Our maid, Lydia saw Harry and screamed. I ran out of my room and she ran to me. "Lydia, this is my friend Harry. Harry, this is our maid, Lydia. Please don't tell dad I had a boy in the house, Hed kill me." I st. " Fine. But you have to clean your own room for a week." She says. "Fine. Thank you Lydia." I smile and pull him to my room. "Wow, your room is so..." He pauses. "White? Yeah I know. My dad insists on everything being white. I have to hide my black clothes." I sigh. "Wow. He treats you like royalty. Must be nice. I mean my dad gives me money all the time but he doesn't respect me like your dad respects you." He says. "Oh, well let's get going." I smile. "I've not been in a pool yet this summer. I can't believe I finally graduated." I smile with relief. I don't think I've smiled this much in a long time.
"Why don't you just ride with me to my house, save gas?" He says. "Yeah. Thanks." I get in his car and it's all black and tinted. He turns on the radio and Bluetooths some song by Panic! at the disco. We ride for like 10 minutes and we pull up to a huge house similar to mine. "Wow. Do you live by yourself?" I ask walking in to see the chandelier with emeralds. "Yep. I like having space. Something I didn't have growing up. Go get changed. Bathroom is up the stairs first door on your right." He says and takes off his shirt and I run up the stairs. I change quickly and bring my ba ? To the sliding door where Harry is, woaaaaah imm not one for tattoos but holy cow he looks amazing. He grabs my hand and says "Lets go."

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