I followed him to the pool and he pushed me straight into the deep end. Let's have some fun. "Ah! Cramp!" I scream and Bob up and down in the water. He dives in to the 8 foot deep pool and pulls me to the edge. "Are you okay?!" He said, exasperated. "Gotcha! I'm not having a cramp. That's what you get for pushing me." I smile. He pushes me against the edge. "Ohhhh. You're going to pay for this." He said, so close to my face that I could practially feel his face on mine. "Oh really?" I smirk and swim under him to the other side of the pool. "Hey! Come back here! Don't play with the big boys unless you can take the heat." He caught up to me easily. Damn my smallness. "Who says I can't take the heat?" I raise an eyebrow. He pins my hips on the stairs. "Have you even dated anyone?" He smirked devilishly. The truth is, I really haven't. My dad wouldn't let me. He's way too overprotective. "Pshh. Of course I've had a boyfriend." I say nervously, please don't call my bluff. Pleeeaaassseee don't call my bluff... "Oh yeah? What was his name?" He gets closer if that's even possible. "His name... right, he had a name... And it was... Jordan! Jordan Larson." I smile. Proud of my fake name. "Mhm and what did this 'Jordan Larson' look like?" He asked. "Damn, what is this, Q and A?" I say nervously. "I knew you were bluffing. You have a terrible poker face." He kissed my cheek and I blush. A lot. "So that means, no first kiss?" He asks. "I wish. I went to Alyssa's 16th birthday and my friend Carson and I had to make out because if suck and blow. He did it on purpose and he tried to shove his tongue down my throat. I wish I could have had a different first kiss but it is what it is." I completely lied. I have never been kissed in my life. "Ew, that was TMI." He bought the story. "How's that for a poker face?" I mumbled. "What was that?" He asked. "I said do you want to race? I'm an excellent swimmer." I save myself. "Go!" I yelled and pushed off the stairs and swam as fast as I could to the other side.
We swam for about another hour and then he asked, "Im kinda hungry, you want to go inside and get a snack?" I looked at my phone and it's 4:30. Wow, time flies. "Um yeah, what do you have?" I ask grabbing my towels. "Pretty much whatever you want." He smiles. "Pop tarts?" I raise my eyebrow. "What kind ?" He asked. "Cookies and cream. Toasted." I smile. "Sure." He slid open the door and went to the kitchen. "Do you mind if I use your shower, I need to get the chlorine out of my hair as soon as possible." I pout. "Yeah. You know where it is." He smiles and I pole his dimple. "That's going to be our thing now, isn't it?" He asks. "Yup." I crinkle my nose at him. I quickly take a shower and put my clothes on. I come back down the stairs and notice a huge pool table on the other end where the dining room is supposed to be. I eat my pop tart and he sits on the couch and I follow, but instead of sitting down, I stand in front of him. "Come play pool with me." I grab his hand. "No. Let's watch a movie." He says and pulls me onto him. "Noooo, I wanna plaaaaayyy." I lay back and pout. He put his hand on my inner thigh and started rubbing circles around it. I closed my eyes and just felt it for once, and he whispers in my ear, "Say please." In a low voice and I whined. "P-please?" I ask biting my lip. "Please what baby?" He asked. "Please come play pool with me." I say sitting up. "Fine. Let's make a deal. If I win, I get to pick what we do for the rest of the time you're here, and if you win, I'll let you pick." He says pushing me off his lap. "Deal." I say making my way to the pool table. "Warning, I've never been beaten." I smirk. "Warning: me either, but I play dirty." He smirks setting it up. He what? Oh God. " I can handle it." I wink and start the game by breaking. I got a striped one in the hole, "haha I'm stripes and you're solids, I get to go againn." I say in a taunting voice. "Let the games begin." He laughed seductively and stood behind me. He grabbed my hips and put his face in my neck. "Having fun there?" I ask trying to line up my next shot. "Mhm." He hummed into my neck, giving me chills. I make another in the hole and he sucks on my neck harshly. I moan, surprised. "A little aggressive, are we?" I smirk and move away. He follows me and kisses a trail from my collar bone up to my ear and whispers, "You've not seen a fourth of it." And nibbled my earlobe and I miss the next shot. "Fuck." I mutter. He turns me to face him and pushes me against the table. "Don't swear babygirl. Its not attractive." He said. Our faces less than an inch apart. I couldn't say anything. I just nodded. He got four shots before he missed and it was my turn again. I bent over the table and as soon as I shot, he smacked my ass and I hit the 8 ball in. I stood up strait and pouted because I lost. He cleared the table and noticed that I was pouting.
"Angel. Don't pout. You have no idea what I want to do to you when you pout."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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