Chapter 6

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Harry sat up in the bed, just waking up. Beside him laid Elizabeth. She was peacefully asleep. Harry remembered the one simple yet so passionate moment last night. He had given Elizabeth her first kiss. Noises erupted from the outside, getting Harry's attention. He stepped out of bed, racing out of the room and down the hall. A mountain lion was outside, fighting someone. Harry stepped out further from his home to get a better look. Louis was fighting the Mountain Lion. He wasn't going to help; he was going to watch. Harry leaned against the stone wall, watching the brawl between a lion and werewolf. Louis was obviously winning but the mountain lion was still hurting the lad. Harry's instinct to protect Louis was slowly taking over. His fangs came out, his eyes turning dark red. Louis smelled Harry's scent. He turned to see the curly haired lad, eyes red with anger. anger towards the mountain lion, of course. Louis frowned. When was he ever going to be able to fight for himself? Louis quickly attacked the mountain lion, biting into its neck. Harry slowly stalked down the rocky hill to Louis. Once he reached them, he grabbed the Mountain lion by it's throat. With his vampire strength, he crushed the poor lion's neck.

"The fuck?!" Louis shouted, turning to Harry. "I could have killed it on my own!" He growled. Harry grabbed onto Louis's arm and yanked him towards his body. He examined the younger lad's wounds. Harry's fingers lightly traced over one of the deep cuts. Louis took in a sharp breath, yanking his arm back. "I'm fine" he snapped. Harry ignored Louis's rude attitude and grabbed his arm again. "Scratched you, pretty bad, didn't it?" Harry mumbled, shaking his head. "Harry I'm f-" "Did you tell Niall about that painted room?" Harry asked, interrupting Louis. "well.. I might have.." Louis murmured. Suddenly, he felt a stinging pain across his face. He stepped back from Harry, pressing his hands over his cheek. A few tears slipped from his eyes. He looked up at Harry. His eyes were tinted red, his nostrils flared. "Why?" Harry growled. Louis sniffed, the stinging pain still on his cheek. "I- I don't know.." Louis whimpered. "I'm sorry" he took a step back from Harry. "Harry?" Elizabeth called from the top of the rocky hill. Harry sighed, walking away from Louis and running up to Elizabeth. "yes, love?" he smiled. she smiled, but it was not as genuine as Harry's. She still held a hint of fear. it didn't matter to her that they kissed, she was still frightened by him. "I.. um.. I haven't actually.. eaten in a day or so.. I don't want to seem pushy.. but I'm starving" Elizabeth said. Harry's eyes widened. "I am so sorry, babe! Lets get you something to eat" Harry lead the girl to a room. the same ice box as last time sat in the corner. "pick out whatever you like" he smiled. "thank you" She said. Elizabeth strolled over to the ice box, opening it. She put together a wrap with cheese, ham, and turkey. "A-are you alright?" Elizabeth asked, looking up at Harry. His eyes were still red with anger. "I'm fine. just.. fine" he said. Elizabeth knew something was up but didn't push him.

"It's Friday" Harry said, looking to the girl in front if him. Elizabeth looked at Harry. "it is" she nodded. Harry shook his head, his curls falling out of place. "We agreed to going back to the meadow, today" He said, pushing his curls back with his hand. "Oh!" Elizabeth smiled. She nodded. "But first, can we go to the stream? I kind of need to bathe" She said, her cheeks flushing. "of course" Harry smiled. "I'll get you a change of clothes them we can leave?" Harry nodded, walking to his room. he grabbed a long sleeve shirt along with a pair of sweats. "I don't have a bra for you or anything, so.." Harry walked back to Elizabeth. "It's fine" She smiled. Elizabeth took the clothes in her arms. Harry guided the two down the mountain. Louis sat against a tree, watching them. 'What is with them?' He thought. Louis followed closely behind, but far enough so that they wouldn't see him. But Harry could hear and smell Louis from a mile away, he knew where he was, though he didn't say anything. Harry took Elizabeth's hand in his, both their cheeks flushing from the contact.

The stream was soon in view and Elizabeth took off towards it. She felt the water first before settling her feet inside the water. "oh, it's cold" she shivered. Harry nodded, sitting next to her. He sat cross legged, farther away from the water than Elizabeth was. "Something wrong?" Elizabeth asked. "vampires can't really touch water" Harry stated. "why?" Elizabeth asked. "because, we burn if we do. you see, water is too pure for vampires. we have to put special herbs and stuff into it" Harry explained. Elizabeth nodded. "Well I better get started bathing" she said, standing. Harry watched Elizabeth as she walked off. He wanted to follow her to see her body, but they only just met that week so he kept his distance. "Louis, you can come out now" Harry called. Louis slowly crept out of the bushes. "I could smell you a mile away" Harry joked. Louis frowned, still upset from earlier. He walked over to the edge of the water, looking in. "I'm sorry" He said. Harry laid back on the grass. "I would much like you to leave. I have a date in a while" He murmured to Louis. "Ok, I get it. I understand that that room was private, but are you really going to be this mad over it? I'm sorry I went in, and I'm sorry I told Niall" Louis scoffed. Harry growled, looking up at Louis. "You went and told him when you knew it was personal. I can't believe you would do something like that" he snapped. "I said I'm sorry" Louis said. Harry shook his head. "Sorry doesn't make up for it"

"Harry!" Elizabeth called from afar. Harry sat up and looked around. Louis sighed, walking away. "are you ready, babe?" He asked. Elizabeth emerged from behind a bush. Her hair was a dark brown from being wet and she had the clothes that Harry had picked out for her on. She was noticeably shaking from the cold, rubbing her arms. and in that moment, Harry so wished that he could warm her up. "Lets go build a fire" he smiled. As Harry took Elizabeth's hand in his, he flinched, pulling his hand away. A burning sensation was felt on his hand. "shit" he cursed. He looked at his hand only to see that it was burnt. He realised Elizabeth's wet hand and looked at her. "I- I'm so sorry" She stuttered. "It's alright, love" Harry reassured her. She looked at his hand, seeing some of the skin burnt. "It will be ok, it'll heal" He reasurred.

Harry lead her through the woods, going through many twists and turns until they reached the meadow they met in. Elizabeth smiled at the area, looking around.

Harry looked at her hand again making sure it was dry this time, which it was, before grabbing it. He entwined their fingers together. "The first time I met you, you were so innocent to everything.. Everyone knows a vampire at first glance" Harry chuckled, leading Elizabeth to the middle of the meadow.

"You are very rare. someone who actually trusts my kind" Harry smiled. Elizabeth only nodded along. She did not trust a vampire. She was being forced. Or so she thought.

"It is really pretty out here.." Harry gazed across the high grass, wishing to pick a small flower for Elizabeth but knowing he couldn't. his power wouldn't allow it. He slipped his hand from the girl's and held both his hands behind his back.

"Tell me how you feel right now" Harry requested, suddenly realising Elizabeth's rapid heartbeat. "honest?" she asked. Harry nodded, turning to face Her. She sighed and stood still, looking down.

Cold fingers tilted her head up. She flinched away from Harry's freezing touch. "I-I'm scared" she admitted. Harry looked at her, disappointed. She should have stayed in the cave that day. if she would have never left, she would have never seen them fight.

Off from a distance, sat Louis, high in the tree. He was watching everything play out with Harry and Elizabeth. But he was supposed to be patrolling the territory.

"Louis!" Niall snapped, making Louis jump. He fell out of the tree and landed on his bum. "Niall" Louis groaned. "I will go and tell Harry you're spying on him and not doing your job"

"I already know" Harry's loud voice suddenly sounded. Niall and Louis looked over to the tall male with curly brown hair. "Niall, take Eli home. Louis and I are gonna have a chat." Harry motioned Elizabeth towards Niall. Louis looked at Harry. He stayed sat on the dirt as Niall and Elizabeth left.

"That was a very short date" Louis said. "She's afraid of me, Louis" Harry said, his voice breaking. Louis looked at Harry. "oh" was all Louis said. "Just give some time to realize that she's living with supernaturals. She said she was taught to hate us while growing up, just give her some time" Louis advised.


Haven't updated in ages! sorry :( here's an update now! :)

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