Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Elizabeth sat on Harry's bed, thinking about everything. Tears welled in her eyes as her thoughts brought her to her father. He was the one who raised her. He was the one who was there for her. He was dead. She wept in her hands, her knees against her chest. Harry laid asleep on the other side of the bed. once the sound of Elizabeth's crying filled his ears, he awoke. "Elizabeth" Harry said, pulling her to lay next to him. She cried on his chest, her hands holding on tight to him. "Eli, it's alright" He whispered. She shook her head, more tears spilling. "Harry, he's gone. my father. those monsters are evil! I can't get it out of my head! They ate him, Harry! I saw it! My father is gone!" Elizabeth cried in his arms. Harry felt rage and sorrow. how could someone do that to her? How could someone do that at all? it was sick. Harry looked at Elizabeth. "Just go back to sleep, love" his voice was sleepy and slow. Harry wanted to comfort Elizabeth, but he sensed her exhaustion. "I'll protect you from all harm" Harry held Elizabeth tight to his chest. Elizabeth closed her eyes, sleep taking over her. Harry stayed awake. He watched over her until he was tired. As his eyes sealed shut, Louis's scent filled the air. Harry was too tired to say anything, so a small groan left his lips. "sorry Harry." Louis whispered. Louis looked over the two in the bed. He loved seeing Harry so peaceful. It reminded him of the early days. Before Harry's heart was corrupted. since then, he kept to himself, shutting Louis out. He made small talk with him. but now he's been better. Louis smiled at Harry. He walked into the painted room, looking around. Louis paid more attention to the first wall, looking and trying to determine what everything was. As his eyes looked over everything, He saw 4 people with 4 glowing stones. one held a red stone, one held a purple stone, one held a gold stone, and the last held a white stone. each had a word marked onto the stone.

Red: Vampire

Purple: Witch

Gold: werewolf

White: dragon

'Dragon?' Louis thought. Everybody knew dragons had been a myth. "Louis!" Harry shouted. Louis turned around quickly, looking at Harry. Harry's eyes were a dark red. "Get out!!" Harry yelled. His fangs were out, the bright pearl colour shown brightly. "Harry. Tell me what this is." Louis carefully said. Harry stalked towards Louis. Louis stood his ground. Harry would never hurt Louis. they both new that. "Louis" Harry growled. Louis looked at Harry. He knew how to get into his head. "Dad" Louis whimpered. Harry's eyes softened and the colour changed as he was reminded of the small boy he rescued. But his anger came back. "Louis William Tomlinson! Get out! Stay out! Don't come back in this room! If-" Harry was silenced by the soft call for his name. "Harry" Elizabeth called, her tired voice filling in Harry's ears. Harry calmed down. He looked at Louis. "Later" He said, prolonging the conversation. He walked out, bumping into Elizabeth. "I'm sorry" He said. "I had a bad dream" She said. piece of Harry's past flashed before his eyes.

Little sobs came from the hallway as small feet patted against the stone floor. The small boy ran into the room at the end of the hall. "Harry!" He cried. Harry woke up, pulling the small boy in his arms. "Louis? are you alright? what's wrong bud?" Harry asked, rubbing Louis's back. "I had a bad dream" he whined. Harry sighed in relief, he thought something major happened. "Louis, lay down buddy. I'll protect you from the nightmares" Harry whispered, yawning. The tiny boy laid beside Harry, laying close to him. Harry sang one of his old songs, soothing Louis.

(You are my sunshine- Civil Wars)

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken

So I hung my head and I cried.

I'll always love you and make you happy,

If you will only say the same.

But if you leave me to love another,

You'll regret it all some day:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

In my dreams dear, you seem to leave me

When i awake my poor heart pains

So when you come back and make me happy

I'll forgive you dear,i'll take the blame

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away"

Louis listened to Harry's voice, drifting off to a peaceful sleep. "good night, Louis" Harry whispered.

Harry laid Elizabeth down, singing that very same song. Louis stepped in, listening to Harry. as he finished, Elizabeth was asleep. Harry got up. He looked at Louis then Elizabeth. "You jealous?" He smirked. Louis laughed. "Nah. I just miss the old days." He smiled kindly at Harry. Harry ruffled the shorter boy's hair, walking out. Louis followed. "I do too, Louis. I liked it better when you were smaller. You were a lot better to handle" Harry joked. "C'mon. Deep down I'm still that small boy." Louis smiled. "You act like one at least. You're a child trapped in a man's body" Harry glanced back at Louis. "so.. about the paintings" Louis spoke up. Harry stopped in his tracks. "What about them?" Harry asked, his voice low and menacing. "well.. what was that one painting? With the witch, vampire, werewolf, and..." Louis trailed off, still not believing the legend. "Dragon?" Harry asked, turning to face Louis. Louis nodded his head. "well, that my dear boy, was the creation of our kind. You see, I was the first vampire ever made." Harry's fists balled up. "You?" Louis gaped. "yes." Harry answered. Louis stared at Harry. "what about dragons? are.. are they real?" Louis stuttered over his words. Harry nodded his head slowly. "I wouldn't paint it if it weren't real" Harry looked to Louis, reminding him of his pure honesty. "Well, why have I never seen one?" Louis looked outside of the house. "there's only one" Harry stated. "one?" Louis pondered. "yes, one. there is no way to turn someone into a dragon" Harry walked outside into the bitter cold air, Louis following. "Do you know the dragon?" Louis stood next to Harry. "yes. his name is Tondir" "I want to know more about dragons. and who was the first werewolf and witch?" "Louis. not so many questions." Harry warned. Louis looked down at the forest below the mountains. "sorry" he said. Harry walked to the edge of the cliff, looking down as well. The smell of human blood filled the air. it came from a campsite from below. Harry's hunger grew. His eyes became blood red. he was going to need to drink more blood than is usual to keep him from attacking Elizabeth. He took down the mountain to the campsite. once there, he hid behind a tree. the smell of human blood filled the air along with another scent. Liam. 'What is Liam doing here? he shouldn't be on my territory!' Harry thought. Liam was on the other side of the campsite, waiting for the right moment to come to attack. Harry ran out into the campsite, his body a blur from his quick movements. He ran to each person, snapping their necks. once everything was done, he called Liam. "Liam! come out from hiding!" He growled. Soon Liam was in Harry's view. "What are doing here? I thought I taught you and Zayn a lesson. Why are you back?" Harry growled.


Ty fr reading!

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