Dances Dances and more Dances

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Everybody is in the dance studio dance class is almost over. So instead of taking the last minutes for dance the guys start talking with Mrs.Char

Mrs,Char- so did you guys like the first class


Ayanna-hel i mean heck yeah*(everybody laughs)

Princeton-watch your mouth young lady

Ayanna-boy you better shut up before i slap you

Prod-both of y'all hush

Both-sorry brother Prod 

Prod-haha that is much better

Princeton-shut up boy anyways yeah that was really cool might be better than Dave

Mrs.Char-woah i dont know about all that

Everyone-but you are

Chanel-remember that Rihanna dance last year we did

Britt-yeah that dance was tight

Trent-yeah and we had the little solo and i did my breakdancing

Roc- you break dance

Trent-yea i do

Jaylen- yeah but he ain't good(everyone laughs)

Trent-shut up

Jaylen- ain't it true y'all

Everyone-yeah it is kinda true

Trent-man forgot y'all

Jaylen-anyways we can't forget about i won't go back

Shay-yeah that dance was hard and i was tired after that

Kayla-girls you say that about every dance

Shay-soo that don't mean anything


Maani- o we can't forget dog days are over

Ayanna-yeah that was the best with the ripple and hinges and that fall omg

Noelle-but you weren't even in it Maani

Maani-true neither were you

Noelle-true true(everyone laughs)

Lauren-anyways your dances are great Mrs.Char

Mrs.Char-awww thanks you guys(pause) so what songs do you want to do this year


MB(laughs) haha y'all funny

Mrs.Char-well if y'all wanna do their song you can even thoguh their here

Roc-yeah that would be dope

Ray-yeah and we can teach you the moves

Mrs.Char-that sounds like a good idea guys do you guys wanna sing, dance, or both


Mrs.Char-ok cool what song do you guys wanna do

Prod-how about mrs.right

All the girls- OMG YESSSS(screams)

Jazzy- heck yeah heck yeah freaking right freaking rite

Prod-(laughs)-haha i knew you guys would like that

Jazzy-heck yeah boy (everybody laughs)

Mrs.Char-ok we are doing mrs.right and i have an idea

Roc-what's your idea(clueless)

Mrs.Char-well since its called mrs,right you guys can pick one of the girls to be your mrs.right and then your gonna have some music to dance to right before Roc's rap

Ray-true that's tight

Prod-yeah i like that idea (looks at Lelini and smiles)

Lauren-(rolls eyes) boy please but that is a good idea

Mrs.Char-yeah so guys including Trent think about who you want to dance with and tell me next class ok guys


Mrs.Char-ok see y'all next week


Prince POV:

ok so i think since all the boys get to pick their parnters i think we should all have a meeting including Trent

Princeton goes up to all the guys who are im a group talking

Me-hey guys can we talk

Guys-yeah sure

Trent-what about

Me-ok so you know how Mrs.Char just told us that we have to pick one of the girls 

Roc-yeah what about it

Me-i was thinking that we should talk so we won't pick the same person

Ray-yeah true that smart i know who u want

Prod-and who is that

Ray-Jazzy A.K.A Jazzy girl(laughs and looks at her)

Prod-aww go ahead ray

Me-yeah y'all about the same size

Ray-aye shut up man who you gonna pick

Me-i really can't decide

Trent-what you mean you can't decide man

Me-well you see i like two girls

Roc-you what did i just hear you say you like two girls

Me-yes i did

Roc-lord who

Me-um Manni and Noelle(looks at both and waves)

Ray-true they both are pretty fine(rubs hands together and grins)

Me-aye you better back off my ladies man(laughs)

Ray-what i just saying it's true

Prod-shut up ray but who do you like more

Me-i really think it's Noelle plus she the better dancer

Trent-yeah you got a point so that is who you pick

Me-yeah i guess your right(smiles) thanks guys but who you picking Trent

Trent-well in order to get my girl back i am picking Chanel(looks at her and smiles)

Roc-true she is a smart little thing

Trent-yeah i know

Ray-but doesn't she have a boyfriend

Trent-they broke up because he was doing her wrong

Prod-true good luck with her

Trent-yeah i know but who you picking Prod

Prod-well i am picking Lauren (looks at her and does the hip-rocka which makes her laugh)

Me-with moves like that i dont think so(laughs)

Prod-shut up boy you do it too

Me-i know but this how you really do (does the same)

Prod-ok watever amn

Me-haha i just playing man

Prod-(rolls his eyes) Roc we didnt hear from you yet

Roc-o um yeah i really wanna pick Ayanna 

Ray-awww true she so cute not like in a like like way

Prod-right that's my Best Friend( loud like a girl)

Me-and my little sisterr

Trent-and that my cousin

Ray-and that my twin

Roc-and that my dance partner

sorry it took so long i had the end of the school year dance camp and i went on a crusie so yeah chapter 10 is getting posted to night too

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