Chapter 6

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Andy's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name gently. My eyes flew open and I immediately cowered away from the person standing next to my bed. It was dark, moonlight shining through the window being the only source of light in the small room. I couldn't make out the face of the man standing next to my bed.

But It was an Alpha, I realized.

Before I could scream and call for help - not that anyone would've helped me - The Alpha covered my mouth with his large hands. His face was mere centimetres apart from me and suddenly, I was hit with the strong musky Alpha smell which makes me go weak in the knees.

"Relax Andy. It's me, Ryan." He said in his deep husky voice. When He was sure that I wouldn't make noise, He took away his hand from my mouth and moved away to give me space.

"What are you doing here at this hour of night?" I asked with a frown.

"Well, I just got back from Mikey's and I was hungry so I decided to ask you to do your job and cook dinner for me." He shrugged like It was the most normal thing ever.


"But, Don't you usually eat there?" I asked unsurely.

"I do. But Tonight, We got caught up in some work and I decided not to bother his mother for food at this hour." He shrugged again.

'Oh and You decided to bother me? What an asshole.' I thought angrily, while trying to keep my mouth shut because I don't want to be punished in the middle of the night.

"Well, I doubt there are any leftovers from dinner." I said nonchalantly.

"Okay. And?" He gave me a blank look. I huffed before speaking.

"And That means that you have to wait till tomorrow to eat. Good night, Rye. Have a nice sleep." I gave him a fake smile, waiting for him to leave me alone now.

But He just continued to look at me blankly.

"What?" I asked after a few seconds.

"What What? I'm waiting for you to get up and cook for me. That's your job afterall." He said arrogantly.

"But- But I can't!" I exclaimed, trying to keep my voice low.

"You know that you could get severely punished for saying no to your Alpha, right?" He said in a deep voice.

I shivered as He called him my Alpha. Even though I know that he meant it in a slave-master way, It still felt so good to hear him call himself mine.
C'mon Andy, Get a grip.

"Hey, I'm just joking. You don't need to be scared of me. I'm not like those Alphas who punish their slaves for such small matters." He smiled at me warmly before standing up.

Thank God. He is finally going to leave.

"So, Cook for me?" He grinned cheekily. Is this guy serious?

"But Alpha, It's so late--" I tried to make an excuse but got interuppted.

"So what? It's your job, Andy. Get up." He demanded a bit more seriously. And my inner Omega couldn't help but obey. I sighed before standing up and motioning for him to lead the way.

We walked down the dimly lit hallways of the castle, both of us keeping quiet the whole way to the kitchen. It's way past midnight so I doubt anyone is awake except from a few guards. When we reached the kitchen, Rye sat on a chair immediately, while I stood at the door awkwardly.

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