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I groaned, my eyes fluttering open. There was a bright light. I held up my hands to shield my eyes.

"Nymphadora?" asked a worried voice next to me.

"Don't call me Nymphadora.." I managed to get out before I blacked out again.

After some needed sleep, I managed to become conscious. The room was still to light, I held my hand up yet again to block it.

"Tonks?" said the worried voice again.

"That's better," I said, putting my hand down and moving my head as far as I could. It wasn't far. Remus looked at me, a worried expression on his face. I smiled weakly at him. Remus was biting his lip nervously. "Where am I?"

"St Mungo's," he said, not meeting my eye.

"Why...oh," I remembered. Snape came to the head quarters, looking for Sirius, saying something about Harry going to the Ministry to save him. Then we all left to help Harry, knowing it was a trap. Sirius even went, his house arrest was put on a hold.

"Yeah," Remus said looking down. "You fell pretty bad, knocked out right after Dumbledore came to the rescue."

"Is Harry all right?" I asked Remus. He looked really upset.

"Yeah, he's fine, besides the fact that he just fought against Lord Voldemort."

"Hardy Har-Har," I said sarcastically . "So every one is okay?"

"Well, that's sort of why I am here," said Remus. I just noticed his eyes were red from crying.

"Oh," I said. "So you didn't just want to visit me?"

"Of course I wanted to visit you," said Remus. Remus and I have gotten close over the past few months. He was sort of like a big brother.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Sirius," said Lupin weakly. He looked upset.

"Is he okay?" I asked, worried.

"He's...dead," Remus croaked out.

I felt the tears come. My favorite cousin was killed in combat, just like his best friend James was.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Bellatrix," said Remus faintly.

I felt anger rush through me, she was worst than the devil- no worst than Lord Voldemort himself for taking my cousin away from me.

I tried to wipe the tears off my face, but I was just to weak. Remus set his hand on mine to lower it, and wiped my tears off with his other. The news gave me a numb feeling.

But then I thought of Remus. He was totally alone now. His three best friends were gone. Peter turned out to be a traitor, James was murdered by Lord Voldemort, and now Sirius was killed in combat by his own cousin. On top of that he has his monthly werewolf problems so he can't find a job. His whole life was one sad story after the other.

"I'm so sorry, Remus," I said, grabbing on to his hand. We then mourned Sirius's death together.


How's that for a sneak peak?

Yeah, this is just the intro/sneak peek at what's ahead.

Follow Tonks in finding her true love, Remus Lupin in the new story by Dauntlesstraitorarmy 'Don't Call Me Nyphadora'

I hope you enjoy

Follow me on Instagram @Dauntlesstraitorarmy


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