A Search For Claus

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Author's Note: I think i did pretty good in the beginning of the story when I was motivated to do it, at the end I had a bit of a time crunch so I tried to get it done pretty fast so it isn't as descriptive, I'll try to upload a chapter every other day or so. It's hard to come up with names of Chapters as well, i'm not good at it.

*Lucas' POV*

*I try to escape it every night, the Drago, that is. The one that haunts me in my sleep. Me and my brother, Claus, and mother run as fast as we can. We always end up running into the dead end, it's the only way to go with the storm knocking the trees onto the path. We are forced to stop and call out, my mother pushing us behind her as she turns towards the beast towering over us. Her rose-red dress concealing our cowering bodies from the view of the mechanical dinosaur. They are normally very friendly, in fact, one hasn't lashed out like this in the entire time me and Claus have been alive, which is only nine years at the time. This one is different, it is infused with some sort of magic (it would be classified as magic under Arthur C. Clarke's third law, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" ). That magic is now known to me as technology, mainly used by the Pigmasks. The magic was clearly seen, attached to the Drago's head and wrapping down one leg. *

*In its rage, it lunged out. We heard a loud screech and saw the thick red liquid running down our mother's arms and our own faces. Our mother continued to hold us back, away from the beast. The beast stood taller and roared, lowering its head to see our reactions. Claus and I were crying at this point, wishing for our father, he would know what to do. The beast's mouth opened wide, like its jaw unhinged, and a strange pink light emanated from our mother.*

I jolted awake, sitting up immediately, panting and covered in sweat. I lie back down, relieved I got through another nightmare, it has been three years and the nightmares are as strong as ever. My father says it's because of the trauma experienced that night, and the day after... when Claus left us as well.

I heard the front door's door knob turn and the door creak open. My dad, Flint, showed up from behind the door. He turned to close the door, taking off his cowboy hat and vest and hanging them on the hat rack next to the door. He walked toward me slowly, the bed shifted as he sat down beside me. "Sorry, I was out tending to the sheep. Nightmares again?"

"Yeah..." I felt a tear run down my face.

"Stop that, men don't cry." he said sternly, but he wiped my tear, "Sorry... but you're getting too old to be crying like a baby."

"You're one to talk." I replied, smiling at the joke, which referenced the way he reacted when mother died, he went nuts!

He chuckled, "Yeah, that may be true. Hey, why don't you join me in my search for Claus today. I feel something, my gut is telling me that today is the day, it is the day something will finally happen, something will lead us to Claus. Plus, you are getting old, you're twelve, I'd say that's old enough to help up at the mountain." My face lit up in excitement, what if we really do find Claus today?!

"You mean it dad?!" He nodded, grinning at my reaction, "Thank you! I can't wait, with my help, we'll find him for sure!" He ruffled my hair and I gave a puff of annoyance, "Daaad."

"Okay, okay." Flint stood up, "Get dressed, we have a big day ahead of us. I'll make us some omelettes, sorry that they won't be as good as your mother's, she made the best omelettes." He spoke the truth, she made the best omelettes in the world, and his omelettes are... they are okay. I turned to the side of the bed and set both of my feet on the floor. I stretched pretty loudly and gave out a little yawn before heading over to the closet, pulling out one of the many red and yellow striped shirts I had stocked in there and some denim shorts.

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