Colorless flower. Part 3

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~~A little warning: this chapter contain description of a panic attack- might be a trigger for some people. Please keep that in mind while reading. ~~

Scarlet groaned silently. His bed was awfully uncomfortable and weirdly cold. It was feeling like lying on ground, with rocks and twigs digging into skin on his sore back.

Why there is so much noise around...

He tried to open eyes but those didn't seem to listen to his will at all. Whole his body was stiff and incredible heavy. And every part of it was starting to hurt, asthat thick cloud of sleepines was slowly passing away from his mind.

This isn't my bed...

Scarlet tried to move hand to face, to rubb off all the awfull dreams and open eyes but sudden sharp pain in his right arm, made all sleepiness pass at once.

He was lying on a cold ground, barely able to lift head, to see what was going on around him. Blurred vision cleared eventualy and he realized, he was still near the house in the forest.

But now, whole this place was an after-battle scenery- nearest trees and side of the house were on fire, ground was marked with deep rifts, like if some giant animal carved them with deadly claws.

What is all this... what happened...

Familiar voices from behind rung in his ears. He tried to lift himself to sit up, fighting with dull pain in muscles.

Scarlet had rised head and his eyes widened, meeting blade of katana pointed at him.

'Don't... dare to... move.'

Fire-nin tried to focus sight on Midnight's face- being even more pale than usual, with nasty, bleeding cut on side of forehead. His protector and cape were missing. His voice was shaking, same as the arm holding sword.

'Midnight?... What's going on...'

Blade, still pointed at him, lowered down a little.

"Midnight, it's ok now, look at him.'

Crimson's voice made Scarlet turn and he noticed earth-nin sitting there together with Azure over Breeze lying unconscious on ground. All three of them also had signs of battle they went through on their clothes and bodies.

'Wha... what happened here? Did that guy attacked us? Where is he?' Scarlet noticed Azure was drying off tears from her cheek. 'Is B-breeze ok?... Azure?...'

'Uhhh... she will be fine...I...I just need to calm down... and focus.'

'Why are you-'

'Scarlet...' Midnight's voice, this time less shaken, interrupted his question. 'it was you... who attacked us.'

'What are you saying...' Scarlet's eyes got wider again. Something big and very dark seemed to appear in his chest, suddenly making it harder to breathe.

Midnight hid his katana with slow move of arm. he closed eyes for a moment, looking like if about to faint.

'He told you to attack us.' he spoke again, opening eyes but avoiding Scarlet's face. 'At first it looked like if you were working with him... you were talking and smiling at him like at friend.'

Scarlet's mind was a blurry mess of thoughts. Weight in his chest was getting painful. All he remembered was crystal orb in his hands and darkness.  Distant voice of that man, saying some words he couldn't understand... and his own laughter...

'That's not true! I... I would never... want to hurt... a-anyone of you... I-' his voice broke with choking pain, growing in his chest with every breath. tears started to gather in his eyes, making his vision even more blurry.

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