Chapter 002-Twelve Out of Ten

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Small chatter resonated around a small diner. There weren't many people here, however, maybe around ten to twelve. You and your group were included that number. The three of you sat at a booth in the corner of the diner. It had been known to be the spot the three of you always sit at. The wall behind you all was decorated with vintage, ocean-themed decorations like an old neon sign of a ship and an old movie poster for a film called "Kraken." The three of you were also near by a window, and from the outside could see beach with the sun setting over the horizon. You all were a close knit group of friends for around four years now. Weather and you formed a bond after you started working at the aquatic rescue facility. He was fairly stern and was at first hard to approach, but you accidentally made fun of his obvious tanning lines in front of him. Luckily for you, he seemed to have the same sense of humor, and the two of you bonded through various name calling. Not to mention, your love for sea life only brought the two of you closer together. He was a bit of a possessive friend, and he was hesitant to let Tua enter the two-way tango, but you managed to convince him.

Though, Tua was a different case. Tua actually met you one night, completely drunk. He tried to hook up with you, and you ended up taking pity on the bastard and brought him home. He didn't have any memory of what had happened that night and apologized for his behavior, explaining that he was away from home due to some personal reasons and got drunk after a stressful afternoon. So, you allowed him to crash by your place in exchange of cleaning and cooking for you-which he was fairly good at-until you found a job for him, but he declined saying that he had already found a job and a place. He just didn't want to tell you till he knew he had enough to support himself. He never showed you where he worked or where his place was at, but you always managed to hang out like this when you got off of work of if you managed to get an off day. One thing you seemed to note about him, though, he always wore a jacket, no matter the weather, and apparently, he couldn't swim. And though you enjoyed your two friends' could always add in a third, and speaking of which...

It was almost time. It was almost time to see your merman friend, and you were so excited and a little bit too impatient. You tapped your foot repeatedly on the tile floor, creating an unsteady melody that the whole group could hear. You were currently waiting for your food, but the thought of your meeting overshadowed your obvious hunger. You had your eyes glued to the wall, thinking of the questions you'd ask Lantis. There were so many things to learn, his lifestyle, his diet, his hobbies, his culture. Would merpeople even have culture?! You would know soon enough.

"(Y/n), what's up? You seemed really spaced out," Tua, questioned. His reddish hair overlapped over his right eye as he tilted his head in curiosity. "You've been like this since we met up for diner."

"Tua's right. In fact, you were like this once I picked up on the boat. Is everything alright? You didn't hit your head or something, did you?"

You snorted and waved your hands lazily. "Of course not," you lied. "I just have a meeting with a friend of mine after this, and I'm kinda excited."

"Whaaaat?!" Tua's jaw dropped as he leaned over on the table to get closer to you. "You're meeting someone?! Is our (Y/n) finally going to get some?!"

"Tua, find some inner fucking peace and calm down," Weather scolded. He pulled the fluff of Tua's jacket and pulled him back down. The dark-toned male fell down back on his bum and huffed in frustration. Weather looked back at you when Tua settled down a little more. "Who's this person you're meeting? You aren't really one to get really close to people that aren't us. You didn't take in another hobo, did you?"
"Hey!" Tua hissed in offense.

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just some guy that helped me out a little, and we kinda kicked it off right away."

"As friends with benefits...?" Tua urged.

Stars in the Ocean (Yandere! merman x reader x Yandere! sea witch)Where stories live. Discover now