Chapter Twelve

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I felt a rubbing on my back making me groan. “Time to wake up, Sweetheart.” I groaned and shoved my head farther into my pillow. “Come on first day back at school.” I turned to look at Sarah as she smiled at me. I turned my head back into the comfort of my pillow. “Come on Carson, I made you some eggs and bacon.”

“I don’t want to.” I groaned as Sarah pulled the blanket down so I was uncovered.

“I know but you have to. Come on before Mason and your father eat all the food.” I rubbed my face with my hands. They took my cast off in the hospital so I didn’t need to worry about while I recovered from my septic pneumonia. I pulled on a bra and shirt and slipped on a pair of jeans. Pulling my hair into a pony tail I walked out of the room and down stairs. Sarah had a brown bag on the table as she put eggs and bacon on a plate. “Come on eat up, Sweetheart.” I took the plate and sat next to Mason.

“Mornin’, Kids.” Dad said walking into the room holding JJ in his arms as he looked around for a bottle.

“Mornin’.” I mumbled back to him. He looked at me as I shoved the food into my mouth straining to keep my eyes open.

“Not sleep well baby?” He asked me as Sarah handed him a bottle for JJ.

“She had a couple nightmares last night.” She said walking around the island handing me my backpack and giving Mason his, as the Academy sent it to us. I guzzled down my apple juice before taking the pill Dad handed me as JJ guzzled his bottle.

“She did?” He asked raising his eyebrows. Sarah nodded.

“I heard her and went in while I have giving JJ a late night feeding last night.” I had my head on Mason’s shoulder my eyes closing.

“Maybe we should keep her home. The doctor said she should be resting more, it’s only been a couple days.”

“I’m fine Daddy. I just want to go back now before I miss anymore.” He sighed looking at me.

“But Carson….”

“Daddy please?” I opened my eyes to look at him. Sarah handed me a travel cup of coffee as Dad looked at her.

“Alright. I’ll drop you off at the school before I head to work. I’ll pick you up after as well.” I rubbed my eyes at him.

“Are you going to tell us what you’re doing yet?” I asked standing up. He shook his head smiling passing JJ to Sarah.

“Not yet baby, soon though. Come on we better get going.” Mason handed me my bag as Dad picked up his keys. “We’ll find you both a car to share soon. Harold has been looking around for some. I know he was looking for a Christmas present for you, Carson.” I rolled my eyes playfully.

“He spoils me.” I smiled as Sarah gave me my lunch.

“Eat it all Lightening, you need your strength.” I nodded walking out to getting the truck. There are now four people in our household that drives. Sarah has her Explorer. Dad sold his truck a while back before he went to Iraq. My mom never trusted me or cared, and I never needed a car at school, and Mason was in the same boat. Now we all used the Explorer, with the help with Tucker and the Jeep.  But it got hectic and annoying, even though I’ve been confined to my bed and Mason just getting here about 13 days ago.

“Come on off to school, Car.” Dad said as I put my lunch into my bag. My medication made me either tired or wide awake. I don’t have much of an appetite with it either. I got into the truck turning on the radio as Mason got into the back of the truck as Dad threw a bag into the back. I texted Tucker and Nic as Dad pulled out and we made our way to school. I put my phone down on my lap watching out the windows picking at a piece of dog hair on my jeans. Saint loved to lie on my cloths that I put on my desk chair. He would pull them done and lay on them happily. He was a funny puppy who loves to lie around and play. He has been gaining weight and sleeps with his brothers and sisters in the laundry room. I look at Dad as he stops outside of the school. “Give this to the nurse as well as this.” He handed me a note and my afternoon pills. “If you’re too tired to do anything go sleep in the nurse’s office. The doctor wrote you a note for gym and classes if you need it.” I nodded as he stroked my hair.

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