Chapter Two- There Are Stupid People In This World

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I was walking down the street. Avoiding the glistening puddles from the previous rain. My long brown/red hair was dancing down my back. I really am alone, I thought. I no longer have my little brother to look after. I no longer had a mother to run away from. I didn't know if i should be happy or sad. I noticed a homeless man on the corner begging for change. I dug deep into my pocket and found a nickle.Five cents is better than no cents. I walked to the man and dropped the nickel into his hat. The man quickly grabbed my arm and twisted it.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" I screamed out in pain. Why was this man doing this to me?

" Ah you will do nicely my pet," the man coaxed.

" I am most defiantly not "your pet" you psycho," I snarled. Even though I was eight I had one heck of an attitude. I think I got it from my mother.

" Ah no not yet, but soon my pet very soon," the man eyed me up and down. He twisted my arm back more and pulled my face close to his.

" I love your eyes pet, green my favorite color," the man had a look on his face, a look of longing. he reached his lips up to my ear and whispered, " soon pet. soon. soon I will have you. To love and to hold. You will be with me pet," the man released me. I was so scared. I didn't know who this man was. He terrified me. Is this how the real world is. Homeless men snatching little children. I needed to tell someone. The police!! I thought. I could tell the police. But what would I tell them: I just ran away and now a homeless guy is calling me his pet? I guess I could. I decided I would. But not exactly like that. I started to walk slowly towards the police department. My dad used to be a police officer. I loved the thought of my dad saving the city every day. There was a lot of criminals in Philadelphia. So he had to work a lot. Every one knew my daddy Mr.young. I wished I could still be Camara Young. But no, I had to take my mothers maiden name Stone. So now I am known as Camara Stone.

I finally approached the building. the building that brought back so many memories. Good and bad.

" Hello I'm Camara Youn- I mean Stone, I would like to report this man I saw," I stated

" If you would like to report to the police you have to fill out this form," the woman from behind the desk said obviously bored.

" No I don't have time. You don't understand. This man is trying to kill me!" I yell trying to get this woman's attention. And I worked, immediately the woman picked up her phone.

" YES SIR!! Of course I know that.......this is an emergency..........OK.........Of course ............ a girl named, whats your name?" she asked.

" Camara Stone," I answered

" Camara Stone........ She says a Man is going to kill her.........yes I know.........Ok........Ill ask. How old are you?"

" Eight"

"Shes eight.........OK Ill let her know...... bye bye now" she slammed the phone down.

" Hun the police will see you now," she said smiling.

" Thank you," I slowly walked towards the doors.

" Go on Honey," the woman said while she swooshed her hands forward.

" do you need me to show you around first,"

"Oh no thank you I'm good," I knew this place well. I opened the door that lead me to my fathers office. It didn't look the way I thought it would. There were no pictures of me or Aron. But then I remembered he doesn't work here anymore. I felt very sad. My father ,Charles Young , Isn't here anymore. A silent tear fell on to my face which led to more and more. I cried and cried. then I got up. Wiped the tears off my face and walked to the interrogation room. holding my head high.

" Are you Camara Stone?" someone asked.


"OK tell me what this man did,"

" Well I just was walking down the street when i saw a homeless man. He looked poor so I gave him a nickel. Then he grabbed my arm and said things about how soon I would be his pet,"

"So he didn't threaten to kill you?"

" Well no,"

" Then I'm sorry Ms. Stone but we cant help you,"

" this man wants to have me to love and to hold,"

" He might have thought you were someone else. Or maybe he was just so hungry he was a little crazy,"

" Fine!!!!" I walked right out of that room. walked right threw the hallway and right back to the lobby.

"Wow that was fast," the woman worried. She ranted on about something else but I didn't really pay attention. I walked outside. These police officers are stupid. My life could be in danger. Oh my Gosh my life could be in danger!! This man could be watching my every move.

" Ah pet. we cannot have you telling people about me," the same man said murderously.NO!!NO!! No please. He's gonna get me. I started to run back to the police,but someone grabbed me from behind. I was kicking and thrashing. I was not going to let this man take me away!

" Im so, so very sorry pet," he didnt sound sorry. He opened up his van and threw me in. I must have hit my head on something because I started to pass out.

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