the roles

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At breakfast (1 hour before due to leave) and all the students was sitting at the same table

“baby, we need to talk about the wedding, its in 18 days and we haven’t planned anything, we need to Skype your dad and Angie and my dad, we can tell them what we want then they can start getting things in order, we can do the invitation list on the plane” Leon said whilst kissing Violettas forehead

“yeah, I totally agree my love, we have only 18 days and I will be the happiest girl in the world being married to you” Violetta replied

“you know what else we need to start looking for my love”

“what, tell me” she says grabbing his arm

“our first house together”

“yes yes yes yes yes, like a proper married couple”

“we are going to be so happy, I love you so much”

“I love you more”

“vilu, I just want to let you know, I am so happy for you, and I’m happy for you Leon. I’m here for both of you, and Fran is too” Camilla said to the happy couple

“yeah, I’m sorry about everything was has happened between us, I never knew if this was exactly what you wanted but I can see how much you love each other” Fran added

“yeah we are both truly sorry if we caused any problems for you”

“you never caused any problems, me and Leon has something to ask you two and naty” Violetta said with a smile

“what is it” naty, Fran and Camilla said with excitement

“me and Leon, we wanted to know if, you three with be my bridesmaids at my wedding!”

“we we we we we are so so so happy you will give us that honour, it will be our pleasure” the girls replied whilst going up to hug Violetta

“I’m so happy you girls have agreed”

“we will be here for you every step of the was, we love you two” Fran said whilst hugging her

“thanks, I’m so sorry about the short notice”

“don’t be silly, if you were getting married tomorrow, we would still be here for you”

“I’m so happy, this wedding will be perfect”

“who else is going to be bridesmaids?”

“Leon’s sister Laura and Lana”

“I never knew that Leon had a sister”

“yeah, she lives with his auntie in Mexico”

“and I have chosen the groomsmen” Leon said whilst looking at everyone

“who is it?” all the guys say

“Broadway, Federico, napo, broko, André (he knows by a phone call) and Marco”

“that’s great”

“but what about me Leon?” maxi asked

“you will be my best man” Leon said whilst hugging maxi

“I’m honoured”

“and my Violettas maid of honour is naty”

“thank you so much you guys” naty said whilst tearing up

“we are so happy, I’m marrying the love of my life and having all our friends playing a massive part of it”

violetta you never know whats around the corner part 2Where stories live. Discover now