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Tara: Margaret I'm here what is the emergency

Marge: I didn't want you to hear this over the phone gemma was brought in she is being check out by Dr.nessa

Tara: what happened

Marge: she found by bobby he went out because jax had called a meeting then by the time he had got back gemma was on the floor in her kitchen Tara(takes a breath) she was bleeding

Tara: do they know anything about the baby how its doing

Marge: no they dont tara you need to get a hold of the club I told bobby to wait until we had more information but

Tara: yeah....wait where's Bobby

Marge:the chapel is where is saw him last

Tara: alright thanks Margaret

(She walks to bobby)

Tara: hey

Bobby: have you called the rest of them

Tara: no not yet are you ok

Bobby: I dont know I left she was fine (puts his head down) she told me she loves me and thanked me for being there when I got back I did not expect to as what I saw she was laying in her own thing of blood not a lot but enough she ( he sniffles ) she just lost her best friend she can't lose her baby she cant lose another child she wont be able to come back from that

Tara: I know ill be right back I have to call jax and try to get a hold of Nero

(On the phone call with Jax)

Jax: hey babe what's up

Tara: Jax its your mom she is in the hospital

Jax: why

Tara: bobby found her unconcious she was bleeding we dont know what caused it

Jax: was it stress

Tara: maybe

Jax: (sighs) Tara _ is the is my is the baby ok

Tara: they havent come out and told us anything jax I'm sorry

Jax: I .. Umm don't call Nero he's with us here at T.M he thought mom would be here I love you we will be there I just have to tell Nero now

Tara: ok I love you to

(End of phone call)( Jax walks outside)

Jax: where is nero

Juice: gemmas office with chibs and tig

Jax: ok you guys head to the hospital gemmas there no questions tara will let you know everything just go

Opie: lets go juice

(He slowly walks to the office )

Nero: hey have you heard from your mom she hasn't called me back

Jax: I need you to listen to me and not to freak out ok

Nero: what's going on.

Tig: is she ok jax

Jax : she was taken to the hospital they don't know much she had lost blood

Chibs: the baby

Jax : Tara said they havent said anything all she knows is that what Margaret told her gemma was unconcious when bobby found her

Nero: my baby and gemma they don't know if their ok they don't why

Chibs: nero we have to go she needs you

Nero: yeah

Rat: ill drive none of you should

Nero: my baby and gemma

Chibs: I know brother I know

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