this is for my family

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Jax: so this is it

Nero: yeah look no matter what happens I want to know y'all will make sure my family is safe

Jax: hey yes are all coming back I promise

Nero: yeah

( tig comes after Jax leaves)

Tig: I promise we will always make sure they are safe Nero

Nero: thank you Tig (sighs) lets go get our girl

( few hours later)

Clay: don't move !!! Hold her !!!

Gemma: dont please

( the guys bust in )

Jeff: I have her y'all move an inch she gets it

Nero: gem

Gemma : Nero listen to them ok

Nero: yeah look clay its gemma you don't want to hurt her

Clay: no I don't but I want someone to pay

Jax: fine

Nero: we will stay in here with you but you let gemma go we won't leave until it happens

Gemma: no !

Tig: gem you have to its not only your life at risk

Clay: fine gem go

(Jeff lets go and gemma runs to Nero )

Gemma: please come with me

Nero: I love you mama always have since I met you now go our baby girl will need you to be strong

Gemma: baby please

(Nero kisses gemma and out his hand on her stomach and bends down )

Nero: I love you baby girl I always will ill be watching you

(Nero get back up and pushes gemma gently out the door and shuts it )

Clay: ok so that's over I choose

Tig: who said you get to choose who gets traded

Clay: well I did

Nero: lets not play games here you know which one of us you want so did gemma

Clay: your right I want you

Jax: not going to happen Nero you have a baby coming and what about my mom Nero you haven't asked her she won't be able to move on

Nero: yeah she will you guys are going to be there for it all she is in good hands and so is our daughter you guys take care of our girls now go do it now I don't want her alone you got. No choice we are out numbered

( the guys hug Nero and walk our one by one )

Nero:tig come here real quick

Tig: yeah

(Nero pulls tig to him and whispers something to him tig nods and turns to clay before walking out )

Tig: you say you love her but you are fixing to make. Her go through so much pain and while she is carrying a baby she was happy clay why cant you let her just be happy

Clay: because it isn't with me now go before I choose you to

(Tig shares a look with Nero and leaves) (outside)

( the all stand around gemma when the hear a gunshot )

Gemma:Nooooooo!!no no no (she falls to the ground and tig catches her ) Nero please

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