Chapter one: art

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A/N - if you see me updating this and my other stories, that is because I'm currently editing them. 


The scariest moment of Jungkook's life was about to come, but also the most exciting. His parents finally allowed him to take his hobby seriously. If there was one thing that he loved just as much as his family, it was art. He treasured it dearly. His parents didn't want him to take it too seriously. They always said that it should just continue as a hobby, and that he should've focused more on his studies and get a proper job. They wanted him to follow their footsteps and then he'd take over his father's company. But no matter how much they told him these things, he'd only denied it and got annoyed. He didn't want to just throw what he loved so dearly to the side and do something else that he found boring. He didn't want to take his father's job lightly, because he respected his job and choices, but he didn't want to waste his life on something to work for years without being truly happy about it. He only had one life and there was only one way for him to live it to the fullest. After a while, he finally managed to convince his parents and let him study and work for what he loved the most: art. If he could, he'd marry it. But of course that wasn't possible. When he was a child, he'd always dream that when he waited in church for his bride, it'd be a painting, walking towards him. He was happy seeing the sight. It made him smile brightly, and he'd know he'd be happy for the rest of his life. And whenever he'd wake up, he'd feel depressed because it wasn't more than a dream. "Get yourself together Jungkook. You can't marry art."

The University was huge, he thought to himself. He was too busy glancing amazed around that he didn't notice the statue he walked on and almost broke it when it fell down. He earned lots of glances and stares, and some of them even glared. His cheeks flushed the colour pink out of embarrassment and he quickly picked up the statue and placed it back to its original state.

"I've never seen anyone as clumsy as you," his mother chuckled at his clumsiness and he giggled his embarrassment away. They walked up to the desk to fill out his registration complete.

"You really have good grades," the lady by the desk commented amazed when she was scanning through his paper. He tried to ignore flattery, but with his proud mother beside him, she wouldn't let it stop just there.

"Best in class," she said proudly with her chin high up, "best in his school actually." Jungkook rolled his eyes and gave her a small glare.

"Mom, please," he muttered, but she just giggled and playfully nudged him.

"Come one dear. If you're not going to flatter yourself then it's my job. I have to show off my son proudly." He rolled his eyes at her again, but still blushed. When he glanced at the lady, she was grinning widely.

"I understand now why you're allowed to skip up a class. You actually had to wait a year to enter University, am I right?" Jungkook nodded, waited for her to continue. "With your great grades and talent, you'll maybe become one of the best at this entire University!" Jungkook's eyes widen when he heard she said that. He was used to being the smartest at his not-so-big high school, but this University was no joke. At his Junior year, he was even allowed to skip classes because it wasn't necessary for him and only a waste of time. He didn't have to go through Senior year and just skip right to University at study what he wanted and was passionate about. He thought at first the teachers were joking, because he had never heard anyone could do that. It turned out to be true, and it was because of that news that made his parents allowed him to do what he wanted himself.

"Don't overestimate me," he mumbled shyly, almost inaudible, but the lady heard, and also his mother.

"Don't talk like that Jungkook," she said sternly and glanced at the clock. Her eyes widen and she didn't look at him sternly anymore. "Do your best okay? And listen well to your teachers. I have to get to work now. Good luck on your first day." After that, she gave him a kiss on his cheek and left with the speed of light. Jungkook was sure that if she walked beside a racer car, she'd catch up with it. She could be scary sometimes, and that's why he didn't like to argue or disagree with her. With her soft and caring smile she looked like she wouldn't even know how to raise her voice, but that was only the thoughts of people who didn't know her. Jungkook knew his mother well.

Man In Love trilogy - first book #1 ⚣ TKWhere stories live. Discover now