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Everyone is downstairs, having their meals in the canteen. The classroom is empty except for me and another boy sitting next to me.


My name is Bae Minkyung and I'm a killer.

I'm in a very dangerous situation right now... well, I'm in school.

Why is being in school a dangerous situation?

The goal of being a killer is to not let people know you're a killer. At school, almost everything about you will be exposed. Your real name, your age... literally everyone in your class will know you, since you all meet each other almost every day.

If there are other killers around, I'll be in danger. However, there are a bunch of innocent people here. If we fight, a lot of people would get hurt. That's why my leader said that I have to be aware, and not to create any trouble at school.

So far, I haven't found any other killers in this school. But still, I'm aware of other people, really aware...

"Dammit!" Joochan groaned in frustration as I shut my homework book, successfully stopping his plan of copying my homework.

Actually Joochan is a trustworthy person, he's my partner afterall. He's a killer as well. But I just won't let him copy my homework.

Our leader, Choi Sungyoon, at first strongly opposed the idea of Joochan and I being in the same school, but seeing that we didn't cause any trouble and surprisingly working well, he stopped complaining.

So now, we are not only classmates, but also seat mates.

Joochan and I work with a group of killers. We take missions from clients, and the person who's in charge of planning will make a proposal, wait for approval from the client once again before we actually carry on our murder plan. So it's not that simple to kill someone.

As far as I know our group isn't the only active group of killers. There are still a lot, yet we haven't encountered any. Better not. The company would lose quite an amount of income if killers started killing each other, I think...

"That's not fair!! I always help you with your homework!!!" Joochan whined.

I didn't really make friends at school due to my identity. I get along with them but never really hang out with anyone except for Joochan during recess or lunch time.

If I stay alone the whole time, people will get suspicious of me, and soon enough they'll start to question my identity, and that's dangerous.

Because the company who's in charge of all the killers will NEVER stand a chance where our identities will get exposed.

And they'll kill us before anyone else can further suspect us.

Everyone thought that Joochan and I are dating when we're not, but that gives us a fake "identity" and that's pretty useful to us so we didn't bother to deny it.

At first when we need to act like a couple it was awkward. Soon when we work together even more we started to get used to it. Some times we might even think that we're actually dating each other. We got a lot closer.

"But- fine..." I frowned, moving my arm away from the book. Joochan cheered and took it.

Suddenly, I felt buzzing in the pocket of my school jacket, and I quickly took out my ear phones, putting one side in my ear and the other side in Joochan's.

"Anyone listening?" The voice came out from the ear phones.

"Minkyung and Joochan listening." I answered, whispering.

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