Kira Clark

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Clark, a well known name. Especially in National City. My father managed to build a successful company from the ground up, he was business savvy, he knew what he was doing. It was pretty much just me and my dad, my mom had been arrested for premeditated murder. Her sentence was 12 years in prison,but she was found not guilty for the reason of insanity, she was arrested 8 years ago. Natalia Clark was troubled, she was never really all there, when I was 3 she had her heart set on the idea that I was some alien that was sent from the gods to be hers. My dad had an assistant a couple years back, his name was Belomy Ashton, I haven't spoke a sentence to him. My mom came up with this wicked theory that Belomy knew I was an alien and had the intent to abduct me and exploit me for millions. She tried to get rid of him by slipping cyanide in his coffee, but one of the employees spotted her and.. It all unraveled. Belomy and my father go way back, so he still worked for my father. As for me, I inherited my fathers intelligence, I graduated high school by the age of 14 and my father was already planning to pass down his company to his only daughter. My father had been reaching out to other companies, trying to extend his business, gain some financial allies. He'd take me along on meetings, so I could observe. Then after he'd take me out for sushi and we'd rent out a movie to watch in our hotel room. Today we were visiting Gotham so my father could persuade a potential buyer. Bruce Wayne was interested in the tech we were distributing, and this man had a reputation. He was like the 6th richest person in Gotham. We had just step foot in the conference room when Mr.Wayne entered. Him and my father shook hands and took a seat across from each other. "I hope you don't mind, I've brought my daughter along to observe." My father stated while adjusting the button of his blazer.
" Of course not, in fact, my ward has also tagged along, why don't you two introduce yourselves? "Wayne suggested. The boy next to him stood abruptly and extended his hand, "Dick Grayson." I shook his hand firmly and offered a smile. " Kira Clark. " I sat back down and started thumbling around with my rings placed on my fingers. Belomy walked past, I could see the rooms and hallways outside because half of the walls were glass. He checked around him, like he was trying to make sure no one saw him. He caught me staring and he glared at me, I replied with a suspicioned glance. He sped off and the meetin began. Curiosity got the best of me and I rose out of the chair soundlessly. I slipped my hand on my dad's shoulder and whispered 'bathroom' to which he responded with a curt nod.
I made it out of the conference room and went the way I'd saw Belomy stalk off. There was a marble staircase leading up to a hallway lined with doors. I heard a large door slam shut leading towards the end of the hallway and skipped off to catch up. There was a large steel door that didn't seem to have any locks, I pushed it open and walked up the steps to what seemed to be the roof. I scanned the roof to see where Belomy went, but he was nowhere to be found. I inched towards the edge, oh yeah kira, maybe he's dangling over the edge *sarcasm*. I looked down none the less, I of course didn't see anything, but right as I swept around to find my way back to the conference room, I felt a large hand clasp it's fingers around my neck. I had found Belomy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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