Chapter 15 - Decisions

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Percy stared blankly up at the ceiling overhead. What in Chaos was Kronos thinking? War with Olympus Percy understood fine. Torturing a captive? Fine, that's war. But it was normal to try to limit innocent casualties in a war.

Kronos wasn't caring about them, a contrast to his initial determination to keep the war between immortals only.

Suddenly Percy needed to know what had happened to Kronos, what changed in Tartarus. Only the morning before their argument, Kronos had been as gentle as he ever was with Percy, then only a few hours later he'd exploded. Percy had heard tales about how infamous Kronos' temper used to be, and he'd have to truly be an idiot to not see the parallels between past and present Kronos.

Percy had locked the door to their room for the night, ignoring Kronos' grovelling as he tried to apologise. That alone was odd, Kronos had gone from furious to apologetic at the flick of a switch; as if he'd not realised what was happening until Percy had shoved him away. Percy groaned as he rolled over to face the pillow, arms crossed underneath his shoulders to support his upper body.

"Percy?" Iapetus' voice called from the other side of the door. "What happened? Kronos looks like a kicked puppy or something."

That image probably wasn't far from the truth, considering the hours he'd tried to apologise for last night. Percy had settled on covering his ears so he didn't have to listen, sure that his anger would crumple if he had to listen to Kronos for any longer. Percy waved a hand in the general direction of the door, unlocking it so Iapetus could come in. The older Titan shut the door gently behind him.

"What happened?" Iapetus repeated. "Do I need to punch my brother?"

Percy snorted into his pillow. "Would be a good idea, I think someone needs to." He rolled over. "I'm not being stupid, right?" He pressed. "Something's changed."

Iapetus hesitated briefly, before he sighed and nodded. "Yes, something has. He's different... more like he used to be way back."

"More aggressive," Percy proffered. "Less gentle."

"Not with you," Iapetus pointed out.

"He was furious with me yesterday," Percy bemoaned. "I don't know what's happening."

"But he didn't hurt you," Iapetus muttered. "He damaged the throne room around him instead of you. Even while he was angry." He shook his head, reaching out to pull Percy into a sitting position. "You have to get up," he said. "Kronos has gone with Hyperion to clear behind our lines."

Percy groaned, but reluctantly rolled to his feet. "Okay, sure. What are we doing?"

"You're getting dressed, and then you're going to eat," Iapetus said firmly. "After washing yourself."

"I'm not a child," Percy huffed, but made his way to the en suite as per Iapetus' orders.

As soon as he stepped into the mess, where he assumed Iapetus would be, Percy found Leander attached to him. "Hey," he greeted, before he pressed his lips together. "Don't you have anything to do?"

Leander frowned at him. "But, Dad, you've only just got back."

"I know," Percy assured him. "And we will spent time together, okay? But I've got something I need to do first." He glanced over to Rhea. "Think you could make sure he's safe?"

The Titaness rose to her paws. I always do, her voice rang in Percy's mind, making him frown slightly at her. Had she always been able to do that in that form?

Iapetus chuckled as he observed Percy. "Yes, she's always been able to speak. Just hasn't wanted to, as you can imagine." He waited until both Rhea and Leander had left, before leaning towards Percy. "Kronos."

Percy groaned. "I don't know!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. "He's just... I don't know. Its little things, but they add up." Percy scowled heavily, ticking off on his fingers as he listed. "His eyes occasionally turn silver; he was going to torture a demigod to death despite how he knows that makes me feel; he's suddenly more aggressive; he's allied with Erebus despite hating the Primordial himself; he's shadow-travelling! Oh, and Nico, 'course. Nico knew something, Iapetus," Percy said fiercely as he leant forwards. "He knew something, and Kronos didn't want him to tell anyone, so he did something that drove Nico insane. Nico's been through Tartarus, Iapetus. What could drive him insane?"

Iapetus just shook his head. "So there's definitely something wrong." He pressed his fingertips together. "The two of you got separated in Tartarus," he guessed.

Percy nodded. "Yes. Then I black out and suddenly Kronos is back. He just said he talked to Tartarus, but..."

"Tartarus doesn't just talk to you," Iapetus said flatly. "He wanted something from Kronos."

"But what?" Percy groaned.

"We'll have to find out," Iapetus mused.

"How? Kronos isn't saying anything, and I don't want to push because he might lash out at me." Percy glanced over to Iapetus.

"I highly doubt that," Iapetus said dryly. "He still adores you, despite what may have happened."

"You have an idea," Percy said.

"I do," Iapetus agreed. "And I hope that I'm wrong, else we're all in trouble." He tapped his fingers on the marble table. "Percy, I think we need to get Nico out of here," he quietly said.

"What?" Percy asked, stunned. "That's treason, Iapetus. I don't think Kronos will take it lightly."

"He won't," Iapetus agreed. "But I think we need to return him to Camp Half-Blood."

Percy pressed his lips together. "If he finds out..."

Iapetus just shrugged. "We do it so he won't find out then."

The son of Poseidon nodded slowly. "Alright. Fine. Maybe Nico will get better when he returns to Camp?" Though both of them knew that the insanity that Nico had wouldn't be fixed simply by him being returned. "So how have things been for you guys while I've been away?"

Iapetus snorted, though he let the crap attempt at a subject change slide. "Hyperion's as much of a pain as he has ever been."

Percy wriggled his eyebrows. "Have you two actually had sex?" He wondered.

Iapetus spluttered. "Gaia be good, no! He keeps trying, but no."

Percy grinned. "Are you considering it?"

Iapetus didn't get a chance to answer, since a fist slammed into his cheek. Kronos glowered down at his brother, Iapetus looking completely stunned as he gingerly touched the bruise swiftly forming. "What in the name of-"

Kronos' eyes burned into Iapetus, before he turned to face Percy, expression softening. "Hey-"

"What the fuck, Kronos!" Percy exclaimed. He fixed his gaze on Iapetus, watching as the Titan's face darkened. Iapetus wiped ichor from his lips. "You can't just come in here and punch him! What did he do?"

Kronos stepped towards Percy, and the younger Titan had to put effort into not flinching away when he saw the mortal blood splattering over his armour. "You're mine-"

"I'm nobody's," Percy snarled. "In fact, I hate you right about now, because you're not you." When Kronos tried to tug Percy towards him, Percy stepped away from him, eyes narrowing sharply. "Don't touch me," he hissed. "I'm guessing you killed all of them?" He questioned referring to Kronos taking out the teams that Olympus had managed to slip through the front line.

Kronos blinked. "Of course."

"Of course," Percy echoed. He glanced at Iapetus, and the Titan slowly nodded to him. Percy clenched his jaw. "Right. Well, maybe you should apologise to Iapetus."

The King growled lowly at Percy. "You're-"

"Not yours," Percy cut in fiercely. "Not anymore." With that said, he spun to once again turn his back to Kronos - trying to ignore the fact that the Titan looked like Percy had decided to punch him - and left. Honestly, Kronos thought that he could just punch Iapetus because he'd spent time with Percy?

Percy changed direction so he was heading to the cells.

He had a cousin to free.

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