Chapter 18 - Olympus' Hospitality

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Percy narrowed his eyes at the goddess on the other side of the bars.

The daughter of Athena pressed her lips together. "Percy, please," she pleaded. "Talk to me."

Percy just stared at her. His gag had been removed but he didn't want to talk to Annabeth. He crossed his arms, ignoring the chains that rattled as he did so.

"Annabeth, come on," Thalia murmured. "It's obvious that he doesn't want to talk to us." She glanced briefly at Percy, looking far more irritated than angry with him.

Annabeth shook her head and stepped forwards, then she sat right on the other side of the bars. She was careful not to touch them due to the electricity running over them. "Percy, I honestly just want to talk. Nothing else. Lord Zeus hasn't sent me here to get anything from you, I promise."

Percy grunted, turning his gaze to the bare ceiling above him.

Annabeth continued. "We're still trying to think of how to trick Kronos," she said to change the topic. "Since we may only have one chance at this we want to do it right."

"Why do you think that will make me talk to you?" Percy demanded. "What do you want?" His jaw tightened. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Well it worked, didn't it?" Annabeth asked softly. "Percy, you've made your choices and I've made mine. But I still consider you a friend, despite you being a Titan."

"What's wrong with being a Titan?" Percy demanded angrily. "They're not that bad. They're only wanting to be able to live on the surface again. Tartarus sucks, Annabeth. Trust me, it's horrible, even for immortals. They're gonna do anything they can to not be sent back."

Annabeth exhaled sharply. "Can we please not argue? I haven't seen you in ages."

"Yeah, because you're so stuck on the Titans being the bad guys."

"No, that's not what-"

"Then what is?" Percy snapped. "You say the Titans are bad, that they're the ones that started this. But you think I'm still good? Annabeth, I'm a Titan too. Doesn't that make me bad?"

"No," Annabeth said sharply. "You're different."

Percy's jaw tightened. "Just me? What about Iapetus? He's not like the others, but only because he's not afraid to show his emotions as much. Iapetus cares for his brothers, does that make him evil? Or is he an exception too? Then Hyperion, he's sort of similar to Iapetus. Only he's not afraid to let people know when he hates them."

"Kronos is raising the Pit to the surface," Thalia said flatly.

"Because of me, damnit!" Percy exclaimed angrily. "Because I was being eaten and Tartarus bartered with Kronos - his life for mine. Kronos saved my life at his expense. Would you call that evil?"

Annabeth sighed. "I'm grateful for him doing that," she conceded. "But that doesn't mean I think anything more of him. He still killed me."

Percy grunted, picking at the manacles around his wrists before replying. "What's going to happen to me?"

Annabeth blinked. "The gods are still deciding," she admitted. "You support the Titans, you're important to them... we can't just let you go."

Percy grimaced. "So I'll be here forevermore then."


Percy waited for Annabeth to elaborate, but she didn't. So he huffed. "Then when will it be decided?"

It was Thalia whom started to reply, but down the corridor a door slammed. Thalia's mouth snapped shut as Zeus entered Percy's line of sight. The god coolly regarded the Titan before turning to the other immortals. "Leave us."

With a small glance at Percy - watching as he stood and drew himself up to his full height, radioactive green eyes glaring furiously at the god - Annabeth and Thalia swiftly left.

The chains prevented Percy from stepping closer to the god. His jaw tightened. "Well?" He prompted.

Zeus clasped his hands behind him. "You are our enemy. We will ask questions and you will answer them. If you do not answer them, you will feel our displeasure. If you try to escape, you will be punished appropriately."

"That's it then?" Percy asked flatly. "Just answer your questions."

Zeus tilted his head to the side, a movement that was eerily similar to his father. Percy's breath caught in his throat. "When Kronos next shows himself, we will use you as bait to catch him."

Percy had assumed as much, but hearing it said so flatly still made him pause. "It's one thing to take me captive when I returned a demigod to you, but this? I helped you!" Percy struggled to control his anger.

Zeus didn't blink an eye. "You've murdered countless beings and believe we're going to let you go?" He questioned. "Perseus, it's been decided by the council weeks ago – while you were still in Tartarus even. Your fate lies with the rest of the Titans, imprisoned in the depths of Tartarus."

Percy growled under his breath, the low rumble making the floor beneath his feet shake. "So be it," he spat at his uncle. "But I'll warn you now, Zeus; I won't forget this."

Zeus simply inclined his head. "I'd expect nothing less from you, Perseus."

The Titan glowered at him through the bronze bars, watching furiously as the god stepped closer to them and pressed a hand flat against them. Zeus upped the electricity running over the bars.

Percy muttered a few choice words under his breath as he stepped back. Ares appeared in a sharp flash of light beside Zeus, Hercules forming soon after. The two younger gods stepped into the cell, moving towards Percy without a word and pinning him back against the wall.

The Titan twisted in their grip, trying to jerk away as Zeus followed them in. Lightning crackled between the god's fingers as he closed in.

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