Gym And Bar Surfing

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I regretted sleeping on the bathroom floor last night because my whole body was acing. It was around 12 in the afternoon and Dean had left a couple hours ago, I had no idea where but I was just thankful he wasn't here. I dressed in black running shorts and a vest top. I was going to go to the gym and take my mind off of things for a while.

I grabbed my earphones and let them hang from under my vest and exited the hotel room and left the hotel and went to the nearest gym. I personally loved going to the gym, it made me feel good an right now I think I needed to feel good. I walked inside the gym and went tithe weights. If I couldn't fight against Dean, then I was going to build up the muscle and while doing that I'd get the courage to fight back and defend myself.

My mind tells me I deserve everything, so I let it happen. If I could punch him to get him to move back a little and that would easily be my way out because I was a pretty fast runner, but he was probably just as fast as me. We both had long legs and that improved on our speed.

I didn't want to have a full blown out fist fight with him, even a simple push from the shoulders could help but he was strong, pretty strong. He was like Matt, but Matt had a good amount of strength and you could easily tell he would tan your ass in a fight.

I didn't just want to build a little muscle to fight against Dean, I mostly wanted to feel good about myself and I wanted to be somewhat fit. I was fit, but not enough. Skateboarding and cycling was always a plus, it got my legs strong and they were also long and lanky but muscly at the same time.

I concentrated too much on what I was doing to see Brian and Matt a few benches down from me and they were looking at me with smirks. I put the weight bar back on the rail and sat up to look at them.

"What are you guys looking at?" I ask curiously.

Matt chuckles, "Oh nothing, just seeing you working out"

"Okay?" I half question, half state.

"You have some pretty cool abs, I must say" Brian said and his eyes travelled to my slightly toned stomach.

I looked down to my stomach and felt a blush form and I chuckled nervously.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

I got up and stretched while taking a gulp of my water. My eyes flickered to the door and Dean was standing there. Shit.

"Well, I'm going back to the hotel. See you guys later" I waved and left the room.

I looked at Dean as I left the room and raised an eyebrow.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" I asked, playing it cool.

"I followed you here, because I knew Brian was here" he said.

"What's your problem with him? He's done nothing wrong, just leave him be and everything will be fine" I sighed.

"When you're dressed like that I don't think he would help himself around you" he spat.

I was not in the mood for an argument because I knew once we get back to the hotel room that he would act out again and I just wanted to at least go 24 hours without being hit or screamed at. I looked up at him and exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I don't wan to argue, I just want to go to the hotel and get a shower" I said and turned and walked back to the hotel.

He followed behind and I knew he was staring at me because I could feel his eyes burn holes on the back of my head. I didn't like it and I thanked god that the hotel was right in front of me. I walked in and went to the elevator and went inside and up to the room.

I stepped inside the shower and let the cold water hit my muscles and I smiled, it felt so refreshing and nice. I washed my hair and scrubbed my body with vanilla body wash and turned the water off. Stepping out, I dried off my body and slipped my panties and bra on while I brushed my wet hair untangling the knots.

I dressed in some denim shorts and a Slipknot muscle tank. I walked out and went over to my suitcase and dug out for my hair dryer and proceeded to dry my hair. The air on my face was nice and once my hair was dry I smiled at the watermelon smell of it. I loved it.

I applied a little eyeliner and mascara. Making my blue eyes look big. I slipped on my Galaxy patterned vans and texted Jimmy, to see if he wanted to hang out for a while, until we hit the clubs or a family dinner. It was either one of them, and they both seemed great. Either way, I didn't mind. I loved both.

I smiled as Jimmy walked into the lobby and a hug as grin on his face as he walked over to me and threw his arm over my shoulders. For height, we were near enough the same height and it was pretty awesome being tall but it would be cool to be small. Like Johnny small or something, and I liked being tall and messing with Short Shit. Just like Jimmy does. We were like twins, but I was 2 years younger. Johnny is the same age as me and I find it pretty cool.

Jimmy and I went for Ice-Cream and went to a Walmart and caused a bloody riot an chase each other and flung watermelons and oranges over the stalls and at each other. We also put condoms, tampons, tissues, ham and a toothbrush in people's carts when they weren't looking. While doing that a little kid about 7 years old came over and kicked me in the shin.

I saw him run away and I ran after him.

"You lil shit! Get back here!" I shouted as he ran to his mommy.

"What on earth are you doing to my son?" the women raised her voice at me.

"The little fucker kicked me!" I exaggerated.

"Don't sweat in front of my innocent son!" she glared.

Innocent?! My fucking ass.

"Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Balls. Asshole. Cunt. Big fucking shitty fuck!" I shouted and the horror on her face made me laugh.

"Sis, let's go!" Jimmy's voice came from behind me and he pulled on my arm.

I took one last look at the women and her evil smirking sun.

"FUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I screamed at her and she glared and looked ready to blow up, but I smirked as I got pulled away by Jimmy who was currently laughing his ass off.

"What was that about?" he laughed.

"Her son kicked me, so I chased him and she complained about me swearing in front of her innocent son, innocent my fucking ass!" I said. I was pretty pissed, but it was hilarious.

Not getting kicked though.

"Let's go clubbing!" Jimmy said, hyper actively.

"Fuck yes!"

And with that we were off and settled on going around the town and going to different bars and getting wasted. I loved it, being with my brother, getting wasted and dancing and making a fool out of ourselves, just having fun really.

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