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Minji's POV

Unfortunately something told me that wouldn't be the case....

"You think I should go out there and look for him?" I asked in surprise.

Minhyuk and I were sitting in my room talking when he mentioned that it could be good for me to do some investigating of my own.

It's been a week since I told Baekhyun I wouldn't leave the house.
But it's driving me crazy being stuck within the walls of this place. And not knowing if Chulsoo's okay.

Maybe Minhyuks right.

"Well it's not doing you any good to just sit here" Minhyuk said and I remained silent.

The rest of the conversation went similar to that. My thoughts were mush from overthinking. Which eventually sent Minhyuk on his way from the awkward conversation.

"I'll see you later Minji"

"Yeah, see you later" I say absentmindedly.

He left and I was once again alone with my thoughts.

Maybe I should...

Maybe I shouldn't....

It was like tug of war in my mind. But after a couple of minutes of thinking, I came to my conclusion that I would start to look for Chulsoo on my own.

Something tells me that I would have a better chance of finding him anyway.

Right as I stood from my bed, my door opened and ironically there stood Baekhyun.

Back early from his daily search.

I stopped mid stride as Baekhyun and I made eye contact.

"What..are you doing Minji?" Baekhyun asked before chuckling as my weird posture.

"I was uh...working my calf's, I have to get fit somehow since I'm not going anywhere"
I say sending him a flat smile.
He sighed and walked over to me before grabbing my shoulders.

"Look Min, we're doing this to keep you safe. Exo and I are trying the best we can to bring Chulsoo home. Just wait a little more" he says with pleading eyes.

My heart dropped at the sight.

This unfortunately fought against my confidence of leaving despite what he has to say.

Baekhyun just doesn't seem to understand how helpless I feel....

Against my better judgement, I nod my head and give Baekhyun a fake smile. As he pulled me into a hug.

The smile dropped from my face as my chin rested on his shoulder.

I've got to get out of here.


Baekhyun's POV

The sun shone through the blinds of Minji's window and right into my eyes. Waking me up earlier than I had hoped.

I groan and roll over expecting to see Minji sleeping peacefully next to me.

But to my surprise, she wasn't there.

"She probably just went to the bathroom"

I told myself out loud before relaxing into the sheets and closing my eyes once more.

Thoughts of darkness engulfed my mind. And all I could see were running feet going swiftly through what seemed to be a forest.

The yellow shoes moved quickly but soon stopped once they toppled over to the ground. A sense of dread overcame me as the feet slid away with a scream going with them.

I snap my eyes open and sat up quickly in the bed.

What the hell was that all about?

I rub my head and frown as I look around Minji's empty room. With still no sign of her in it.

I then glanced at the clock on her nightstand and noticed that and hour and forty seven minutes had went by since I had last woken.

What could she be doing?

I pushed the blanket off of me and stood to walk out of the room.


I call, my voice raspy from sleep.

The silence answered my call as I looked around and didn't see her.


I call a little louder as a frown painted my face. While I approached an empty kitchen. This is the one place I thought she would definitely be.

What the heck, where is sh-....

I thought as I stood for a moment.
And then...
The obvious hit me.

My eyes widened as my feet started to move on their own around the house.

"No..noo..noo..." I mumbled under my breath. While I pushed open the door to the bathroom and still didn't see any sign of her.

My eyes started to sting with realization...

She's gone.

I run to the front door not paying attention to what's in front of me. Which led me to trip and fall over something. I look down to see Minji's dirty shoes in the doorway.

She was never one to remove those death hazards.

My eyes then floated to the shoe rack close by. And what I saw only confirmed my worst fears.

A pair of yellow shoes were missing from the rack. Which happened to be the same ones from my dream only a few moments earlier.

A familiar feeling of dread followed while I stood to my feet and ran out the house and too my car.

I sat in and felt around noticing that I didn't even have the key to start the engine.

I sigh heavily and bang my hands on the wheel.

"I told her not to leave!"

I yell in frustration. Rage took over me before it dwindled down into unbearable sadness.

My eyes began to sting as the worst case scenarios of what could've happened to her began to play in my head nonstop.

He could have her and I may not ever see her again...

Why would she leave when I told her not too..

I thought as a small sob escaped my lips.

Why would she leave me....




Sincerely JadaAutumn

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