Change Of Plans

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Baekhyun's POV

Wow she really hugged me.

Last night I had no way of predicting that she would actually take it upon herself to hug me. Maybe there is some hope for us after all. Now al-


I jump from Suho's yelling as he pulls me from my thoughts.


"Were you listening to anything I just said?" He asked and I stared at him, blinking continuously.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I guess I'll say it again then. Do you have the chains and cuffs I gave you?" He asked.


"Even the ones I gave you last minute?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.


"Even th-"

"Yes. Yes. Yes, I have everything I need. Shouldn't you be getting ready for the concert?" I asked.

Suho glared at me before glancing at the clock and racing to the bathroom.

I shook my head in disappointment.

Now back to what I was thinking. I'm st-

"Welp it would've been fun if some of us didn't have a restraining order against them" Chen said walking into the room.

"Haha very funny Jongdae. To be fair, I couldn't even go if I didn't have the restraining order. Suho insists that I need to be chained and isolated" I said sarcastically. And Chen chuckled.

"Well where are you going to be because I hope it's not here" he says nonchalantly. And I darted my eyes to him.

"It's not here. It's in the basement of my apartment building"

"Oh you mean the one they were working on to make into other rooms"
He said and my eyes widened.

"Say What now?"

"You know...they have a sign in front of the complex with a landscape of the building and in bold letters it states. 'Reconstructing more room for your convenience!" Chen says commercially.

"No way"
I say in disbelief. And Chen pulls out his phone before typing things into it and shoving it in my face.

"See bacon. Get with the program. How do you live there and not know what's going on?" He says and I rolled my eyes.

"When I lived here I still didn't know what was going on"


"Alright guys it's almost time to leave" Suho said as he ran around the dorm in his underwear and a T-shirt.

"Where's my pants?"
He questioned as I got up and raced over to him.

"Suho we have a problem"

"What now Baekhyun I'm busy"
He said looking through millions of random things.

"Look. Their remodeling the basement. There's no way I can be down there without getting caught!" I said and Suho snatches the phone from me frantically.

"Oh no. This isn't good, we don't have much time" he mumbled and I ran a stressful hand through my hair.

"What's are supposed to do now?" I asked. But Suho didn't answer as he dialed a number and walked away when he began talking.

I sat down on the couch helplessly until he came back a few minutes later with his face slightly brighter than before.

"I believe I have solved your problem"

"How so?" I questioned.

"I just talked to Minji and she came up with a brilliant idea. It's a place your all too familiar with" he says finally noticing his pants and running over to them.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"A place that holds memories from when  you and Minji first met"

"Her old house" I said in awe and Suho pointed finger guns at me.



As the night went on I drove along a familiar road with a silent Minji in the passengers seat. I picked her up not to long ago as I realized that there's not that much time until the full moon.

"Where are we going?"

Little guy asked from the backseat for the fifth time in the last seven minutes.

Minji stayed how she couldn't find anybody to watch him for the night so he tagging along with us.

Not that I mind tho, he reminds me of

Well me.

"Like I said before Chulsoo, you'll see when we get there" Minji said uneasily.

"You sound worried" I said glancing over at her as she was already looking at me.

"I do not"

"You do too. Your voice always rises an octave when your worried" I said and she scoffed.

"It does not!"

She squealed.


I said, she crossed her arms and looked out the window, trying her hardest not to smile.

"Aww come on you know it was funny"

"Your not funny"

"That's a lie you think I'm hilarious" I reason and she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah right, Suho makes better jokes" she says and I pull the car over immediately.

It's one thing to say that I'm not funny. But to compare me to mr cool dad aka SUHO! That's just downright disrespectful.

"Wow that was a low blow" I said as Minji giggled silently.

"Hey guys look" Chulsoo said poking his head between the gap in our seats.

"The moon is glowing" he says in awe. I looked up and saw a couple of clouds beginning to part as the moonlight started to shine through.

Minji and I then looked at each other as I started he car up again.


Speeding was the only option as Minji and I made it to her old house in record time. Only to see that the house looks just like it did a couple of months ago.

Rugged due to my battle with Kai.

But nonetheless homey.

"Come on we don't have much time" Minji said looking at my nails.

I followed her eyes and saw that they had elongated too dangerous lengths.

I followed her command and walked into the dark and dusty house where we left Chulsoo in her old room and made way to the basement finding a huge cement pole that I could be chained too.

"Ready?" She asked as she grabbed a chain and I shrugged.

"As ready as I'll ever be"

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