Chapter 1: Famous in 3 days

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I put on my school uniform and ran out the door, it was the first day of school and I couldn't miss it, I was attending Korea art school I miraculously passed the audition somehow, as I was running I bumped into somebody and fell on the grass, he apologetically said sorry and helped me up


"I don't speak Korean"

Oh yeah, I didn't speak Korean... So I just walked past

"Wait" he said I turned around

"I'm sorry for bumping Into you like that, I should've watched where I was going"

"You speak english?"

"Uh yeah obviously"

I blushed and said "it's alright" and continued

He then asked "hey what's your name, let's get to know each other"

"Why would I tell you my name?"

"Looks like we're going to be class-mates"

I noticed his uniform and I wanted to hit my head against a nearby mailbox

"Oh..." I continued walking and he walked beside me "my name is cindy"

"I'm kim nam joon, but call me rap monster"

"What kind of a name is that"

"It's going to be my stage name when I debut"

"It sounds stupid"

"Hey" he defensively said "watch me make it in a big group"

"Ahh, you're quite the dreamer are you"

"Well, that's why anybody is going to Korea art school, to make it big, if not what are you trying to do"

"I..." My dumbass right now, I can't even deal with it " guess your right"

We arrived to the school and picked up our scedules

"We'll see you later nam joon"


I laughed and headed to my class, students from different parts of the world, like how I'm from the US get put with different teachers since we don't understand Korean and we get an extra class to learn the language, I walked in and sat in between two guys

We had to get paired and I ended up with three guys, the two who sat next to me and the other one, the pairs were going to be permanent for the rest of the year, so I made an attempt to be their friends so it won't be awkward or anything

"Hey, my names cindy pham, what about you guys?

"I'm eric...nam"

"Sup, I'm henry, just Henry"

"Kevin woo, nice to meet you guys"

After an hour of that class, we finally get to practice, I got into the dressing room and changed into my dance outfit, eric, Kevin, and Henry saw me and caught up to go into the dance room, I walked in and saw Nam joon and smiled


He turned and smiled and walked over

"Hey cindy" he said as he scratched the back of him head

"Oh, these are my new friends eric, Kevin, and Henry"

"All guys? Damn cindy these are all your boyfriends?"

Then the guys started to pretend to be my number one fan, we stopped laughing when the teacher walked in, she was really pretty, I think half the guys in our class fell in love with her

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