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I felt better the second I saw the beach. I love beaches! I got out of my car and took my stuff.

I looked around trying to find Kim. But it was too hard because there were loads of people and I couldn't see anything because of the sun. I started walking around trying to find my friends. I was walking for a few minutes now and I started to get tired. I was about to sit but I found myself lying on the sand.
I don't know what happened the only thing I know is that my head hurts. It took me a few seconds to realise what happened.

I think I got hit by a ball or something. I tried to get up but it was harder than I thought. I couldn't see anything because of the sand in my eyes. I was covered in sand and it was really uncomfortable. GREAT! My day couldn't get any better.

I heard some people coming towards me. If it's Kim I'm gonna be really mad at her. But it wasn't Kim. It was a boy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. "We're so sorry are you okay?" He seemed nice and really sorry. I was about to say it was okay until I heard loud voices behind the blonde guy. Some other guys were coming towards me. But they didn't seem as nice as the blonde guy does. Uhh I really need to ask this blonde guy his name. The other guys coming from behind were laughing. Laughing at ME! People like them annoy me sooo much. There were two guys laughing. One with sunglasses and brown, curly hair and some tattoos. The other one had a piercing on his lip and a cap on his head.

I looked at them with a look full of anger. What the hell did they think! Oh some girl needs some help but I'm just going to laugh??! "Don't bother them." The blonde guy said. He helped me getting up and took the sand out of my face.

"Uh thank you that was nice." I said confused still not knowing what happened.
"You are welcome." He said laughing. His laugh was adorable. It made me forgot about the accident. PARTLY.
"My name is Niall." He said.
"I'm Ellie." He nodded.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked shyly. I don't know why I was so shy. That's soo not me. Probably because I was still confused and ashamed of not knowing what happened. It could have been really funny because the other guys couldn't stop laughing.
"Of course." He said smiling.
"Uhmm... what happened?"
"Oh, we were playing some American football and the ball hit your head. It hit you hard so you fell down. We are really sorry." He explained
"No, YOU are sorry. They don't look sorry" I pointed to they boys standing behind him who were probably his friends.
"Yeah, you are right..." he scratched the back of his head. "But don't bother them." He looked shamed of his friends.
"Whatever. It was nice to meet you Niall. " I said dryly and walked away.

My head still hurts. It feels like I have a hangover. Boys... That's the reason why I'm never dating again. They just don't know they're limits. Niall was nice though.

I walked back to my car. I really wasn't in the mood to do something like swimming or sitting on the sand. I was sick of this day. I'm just going home and watch a film while eating tons of ice cream. Funny. Looks like I'm going through a breakup.

Anyway, I came home and made myself comfortable on the couch. With my ice cream by my side. This is way better than sitting on the beach and getting a ball to your head.

Oh wait. Shit I forgot. I had sand everywhere. I have to get a shower. I walked to my bathroom and I was done after thirty minutes. I know that's really long for a shower but I like long showers. When I was done I changed in comfortable clothes. I went back to the couch and sat down.
I watched the film and ate a lot of ice cream. My stomach started to hurt. I think it's just the ice cream. I went to bed and fell in sleep really fast. I haven't even noticed Kim had called me.


Thank you soo much for reading. I'm sorry, I'm late. But I'm gonna go on vacation soon. I will try and update more. And sorry if i made any grammer mistakes or things like that. Hope you enjoy! Love you guys.
All the love -S

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