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 It was already morning when I noticed Kim called me yesterday. I decided to call her back.

  -Hey Kim! I missed your call. I'm sorry.
  -Oh yeah... I called because we couldn't find you at the beach.
-Something stupid happened and I went home. I'm sorry for leaving like that.
-It's okay. But what happened?
-I was walking around trying to find you but I couldn't find you at all. I was walking for quite a while until I felt something hit my head. I think it was a ball or something. But didn't know what happened at all. I was just walking and found myself on the ground. My head hurt really bad. I lay there on the sand and a cute guy came towards me and apologised and stuff. He was really sweet. But then his friends came and all they could do is laugh. I felt really bad, my head hurt so I went back home.
-Woah slow down girl. It's okay I understand. You want me to come over
-Nah... I'm good. Thanks.
-Oh Mark is asking me something. I have to go I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Uhh Mark Mark Mark. It's always Mark. Anyway... I'm planning to go shopping today. I havnt been shopping since... I don't even remember. It's a long time ago. I just didn't have time and I would always go shopping with Kim. But she doesn't have that much time for me anymore. Uhh why do I keep thinking about this?

I took a shower and decided to curl my hair. I had a little makeup. Because I didn't have much choice since its gonna rain today and I don't have that much waterproof makeup. That's a huge mistake because it rains a lot in England. It's okay I can buy some today. I put on some jeans and a nice t-shirt. It's comfortable and safe. I mean you can never go the wrong way with jeans and a t-shirt. Or maybe you can.... Uhh I don't know. Why do I even think about stupid topics like this? I'm weird. Really weird. And not just because of this. See again something stupid...

I headed downstairs to the favorite part of my apartment. The kitchen. Yeh I like food... What! There's nothing wrong with that! I walked to the fridge and opened it. I decided to make waffles. I know I'm so spoiled. LOL. I was still hungry after I was done but I decided to step in my car and get out of here!

I stepped in my car and started to drive. I always liked driving. I used to play video games with my dad when I was little. I used to play all kinda stuff : soccer, racing and some soldier kinda games. Yeh that's me!

I got out of the car and walked inside the shopping centre. It wasn't that crowded cus I came early. Not something for me though...

I explored some stores and bought some clothing but still not the things I was looking for. I didn't buy some shoes. I don't like buying shoes. Basicly I hate it. I hate it since I'm a child. I couldn't find nice shoes and it was always a nightmare. Most girls like buying shoes. Right? Well I don't.

I felt like I finished a marathon after shopping. I decided to spoil myself by buying myself a milkshake. I headed a cafe and sat at a table next to the window. I ordered my milkshake and promised myself not to worry about jobs anymore. I mean I won't die right? Actually I will if I won't find find a right job. Because if I won't work I will have no money and without money there won't be foo...

My thoughts were interrupted by a male's voice. "Can I sit here?"
"Aren't there other places to si.." I looked up and immediately shut my mouth.

It was Niall. That blonde Niall from the beach. Well he's probably not from the beach but anyway. "Hey Niall! What are you doing here?"
"Well I'm not always on teh beach you know."
"Uhh right, I forgot. Haha." We both laughed and sat down.

"Soo does your head still hurt?" He looked at me with a concert look.
"Yeh... I slept and it went away the next morning. I'm alright, thank you for asking. "
"You're welcome beautiful." Him calling me beautiful made me blush in a stupid way. He just laughed.

He ordered a milkshake too. We talked for like an hour and we got to know each other better. I heard he used to be in a boy band.  But they're having a break or something like that. He's Irish which was already obvious because of his accent.
His middle name is James and he writes songs and sings them. All of this is pretty cool but the most interesting thing was that he likes food as much as I do. Actually loving food is kinda normal. But I love it differently. The only thing I don't understand is that I don't gain serious weight and he told me the same thing about himself.

I was having a great time and we already had a lot of things in common. I feel like this could be a start of a good friendship. I really needed some new friends since Kim started to date Mark.

It was really nice with Niall but I can't even imagine someone walking in the cafe would ruin my day. Well I don't need to imagine because it already happens... I really didn't need to see them. You know who?

Niall's friends I met on the beach. Who I met by getting a ball to my head and them laughing at me.

Curly and piercing boy. I still didn't get to know their names but I prefer not to...

Uhh I know this part is boring and not interesting. But next chapter will be better. I also didn't want to leave you without a new part since I'm going on vacation soon. I don't know if I can write much but I'll try my best. Also thank you so much for reading. It makes me happy to know that some people are interested in my story. First I thought no one would read it anyway but knowing people do care makes me really happy. Also happy birthday One Direction!! 8 years woah I can't believe it's already been 8 years since the world met these beautiful people. Love you so much see you next chapter!!😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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