The Question

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My phone was going off like crazy who the hell is calling me at 6:00 in the morning. I check the caller ID and of course its Hayes. Couldn't he have just come over.

~Phone Call~

Hayes: "Kylieeeee come over I'm bored"

Me: Hayes its 6 o'clock in the fucking morning really.

Hayes: Fine I'll just come to your house and annoy you.

Me: Ughhhh I'll be over in 10.

I click end and head to the bathroom to try and make myself look a little decent, I mean I know Hayes wouldn't care since were best friends he's seen me in my worst looking state.

Hayes and I started becoming close around Pre K when my mom got a new job in North Carolina and put me in some random preschool. But anyways Hayes was a little boy in that class and we would always talk and hang out and stuff we we're like 5 though so we had no idea what we we're doing.

We we're still friends in middle school and he has convinced his parents to buy thw house across from mine which was absolutely amazing because now we can visit each other whenever we feel like it even at 6 o'clock in the morning. Fucking Hayes.

I decided on a side braid and a floral crop top with baby blue skinny jeans. I slipped my grey vans on that were by the front door before screaming to my mom that I would be at Hayes' house if she wanted me. She never really cared where I went anyways.

I grabbed my skateboard and skated across the street and up to Hayes' door. Before I could knock the door opened and I was pulled in by Hayes.

"Shhh my parents are still sleeping" he said placing his finger over his mouth.

He's so dumb.

"Okay" I whispered.

We walked up the stairs and into his bedroom as quietly as possible.

We decided to watch Netflix but couldnt agree on a movie. I wanted to watch The Fault In Our Stars and he wanted to watch the new Transformers.

Hayes finally let us watch The Fault In Our Stars because I bribed him with gummy bears. About halfway through the movie I was feeling drowsy so I layed my head on Hayes' chest.

"And what exactly do you think your doing?" Hayes asked with a smirk on his face.

"You made me come over here at 6 o'clock in the morning I can lay my head wherever I want" I said closing my eyes and starting to drift off to sleep.

Apparently Hayes thought I was asleep after a while of me laying there. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head.

I was so confused we're just friends right? I mean I've always had feelings for Hayes he's amazing but I never knew he had feelings for me too.

"God you're so beautiful. I'm really glad you're asleep because I know I could never say this to your face but I need to get this off my chest and Kylie I like you. I always have and everyday my feelings for you become stronger and I just wish I was brave enough to let you know but I'm afraid of being dissed. I mean look at you, you could have whoever you wanted why would you want a jerk like me. I'm just a nobody compared to you."

He's out of breath when he finishes and I try to hide my smile so he doesn't find out I was awake the entire time.

Instead of saying something to him I gently wrap my arms around him pretending I was still asleep. A few minutes later I start to hear him snoring so I remove my head from his chest an turn the xbox on since I wasn't tired anymore and it was almost 8.

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