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It was now a week before we had to leave for Magcon Toronto and my mom still wasn't convinved that I should go.

I tried literally everything but she says it would be to dangerous and if dad was still here he wouldn't let me go.

You see my dad passed away a few years back in a car accident. But I don't really like to talk about it much but mom always refers to him when it comes to a serious question.

I kept arguing with her until finally she said no Kylie your not going. I brought you into this world and I can take you out. I decided to make a joke out of it to ease her up a bit so I was like

"But God brought me to you so therefor I am a child of God and momma God would let me go"

She sighed and finally agreed. Telling me a list of rules I would have to follow and telling me that I would have to call her everyday. I listened to just about nothing she said and hugged her jumping up and down.

I ran up to my room to text Hayes and see if he was home. After 20 minutes I still had no response so I just went over to his house anyways.

Chad Hayes' dad opened the door when I knocked.

"Is Hayes home?" I ask trying to stay calm and sound as polite as possible.

"No he actually just left for football practice. I could tell him to stop by your house when he gets home if you want." He says looking down at me.

You see I'm petite at 5'2 and everyone has to look down when they talk to me.

"Yeah that'd be great" I said waving goodbye and heading across the street.

Around 8 is when Hayes showed up and we went into my room and started playing scrabble, we eventually got bored and decided to watch a movie.

"Hayes?" I say getting his attention.

"Yeah babe?" When he calls me babe my heart flutters.

"I have to tell you something about the Magcon tour" I say trying to act as sad as possible.

"Oh c'mon please tell me your mom didn't say no" he says with puppy dog eyes.

He had the most gorgeous eyes ever I got lost in them every time I looked at him. He got them from his dad so did Nash they've all got that gorgeous blue eye color.

"She didn't!" I screamed smiling

He tackles me with a hug and a million kisses on my cheek.

"You had me scared Kylie" he says finally pulling away.

"I'm sorry" I laugh.

We just lay there like that the rest of the night. Watching Netflix and cuddling in bed. This is what I've always wanted. Hayes. Hayes Grier is finally mine.

Its about 1 in the morning when Hayes says he should probably go home.

"Hayessss please stay. Pretty pretty pleaseeee" I sat giving him my best puppy dog face.

"Fiineeeee only because I need your cuddles" he says climbing back into bed with me.

"And besides if they haven't missed me yet they won't miss me later" he adds before kissing the top of my head.

We start talking about the tour and who all is going to be there.

"Wait so the Shawn Mendes is going to be there?" I ask him being sure I heard him clearly.

"Yes of course" he laughs.

"Oh my god. Like he's actually a real person?" I say and Hayes just nods and takes another drink of his tea.

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