Mizuko's Sister

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Todoroki's POV;

I woke up at 6:00 am and then got dressed and everything but then I remembered something from yesterday, 'Todo-Kun can you wake me up I don't have an alarm so please?' I grin like an idiot and then start running to the rescue dorms and right when I arrive I run to Miss. Shoto's dorm to see her in a weird sleeping position, drool coming out of her mouth, and her hugging a pillow. I then run in and jump on her while activating my ice quirk a little. She bolts right up and then I see heavy eye bags under her eyes. She then yawns and then punches me in the face crashing me outside of the dorm room. She gets up and of course, slams the door in my face and then I hear, "WAIT I HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!" I then see hear a ton of crashes inside the room and then a bolt out of the room and then she knocks on all the boy's rooms while screaming, "GET UP IDIOTS! WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" I then hear them all scream, "AHHHHH! 13'S GOING TO KILL US!" I then see them all ready and then all of the rescue students run out and then Miss. Shoto screams, "Thanks Todoroki-kun!" 

I just walk to my dorm after that happened and then when I walk down my hallway I see some students from my class exiting their dorms still in their pyjama's walking to the bathrooms and showers. I then hear this from a mile away, "Mizuko hurry your butt up!"I then see panicking Mizuko running down our hall and then I guess he didn't notice the stairs so I see him float in midair for a little bit before I see him use his water to lower him safely. He then starts running and I see Leo's portals showing up at mutable places and him running after Mizuko, Then Haru came into the scene with Yuuto where Haru was using his vines to climb and chase the other two with Yuuto hugging him.  I then hear this, "WAIT UP! 13 IS GOING TO KILL ME!" I then see a bolting Miss. Shoto with her hair down now that's a first her hair is always up in two pigtails. She is using her fire and water quirks to catch up. I then hear this, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I turn to see Bakugo there with an evil look I then see his pyjama shirt basically burned, wet and have vines on it. 

He walks away while cursing, Midoriya then comes out of his dorm all ready for school and then says, "What happened out here?"   I explain what happened and then we both run out with everything we need and then we hear a voice scream, "COME ON YOU WHAT TO BE RESCUE HEROS?! YOU GUYS AREN'T THERE YET SWIM ANOTHER 10 LAPS!" We look at the pool and see all the rescue students which consist of; Haru, Leo, Mizuko, Yuuto and Miss. Shoto, swimming in the pool. We get closer and then 13 notices us and then says, "Why are you two here so early? Do you want to join for swimming practice?" We both nod our heads and then we hear the five students scream, "Done, 13!"

We look at them like they are crazy until 13 then screams, "OKAY NOW WE HAVE TWO MORE PEOPLE AFTER THEY ARE DONE CHANGING RACES TO SEE IF YOU HAVE IMPROVED WITHOUT YOUR QUIRKS!" We jump a little and then Midoriya and I get changed once we are out we see Haru, Leo, Mizuko and Yuuto at the starting line without Miss. Shoto. We both walk over to Miss. Shoto and then she says to me, "Hey do you have a hair tie with you?" I nod my head no and then I look down at her to see her wearing a lifeguard female uniform which looks like this;

Not to mention her hair is down so that made her look a little weird until I hear 13 then say, "Okay Todoroki vs Midoriya vs Shoto!" We all get in our positions but before we start Haru gives Miss

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Not to mention her hair is down so that made her look a little weird until I hear 13 then say, "Okay Todoroki vs Midoriya vs Shoto!" We all get in our positions but before we start Haru gives Miss. Shoto one hair tie. She puts her hair up in a quick ponytail and then we start but after a little, I finished Miss. Shoto finished Second and Midoriya finished with Miss. Shoto but then 13 screams, "Todoroki and Midoriya! You have 15 minutes before school starts! Rescue stay in the swimsuits we are going on a field trip!" Midoriya and I quickly go to the changing room and change once we were done we ran to the classroom still dripping wet. Everyone looks at us weird but we just go to our seats and class starts... Mr Aizawa then comes into the room and then says, "Okay class if you didn't know the second sports festival is coming up so you need to train! Also, today swimming to relax because all of you have had a hard week." 

Izuku's POV;

We go into the changing rooms at the pool and change into our swim trunks. When we walk out I see the rescue students lined up and then 13 says, "I lied we are relaxing today change into your swimsuits idiot's!" I see them all cheer and then Miss. Shoto disappears and comes back wearing a swimsuit that is completely white with water designs and fire designs on the sides and then on the straps it looks like iron!  Haru walks up to Miss. Shoto and then says, "Hey Shoto-Chan I need help?" I feel my body heat up and then he says, "Well I want to make an iron rose and I need some iron can I have some of yours please?" I see her nod her head and hand him iron. She then says, "A thank you for the hair tie." I then see a blight blue haired male run up to her and then say, "Shoto-Chan can I do your hair?!" I see her nod and then he braids her really long purple hair and puts back on the hair tie so it would hold, 

I quickly walk over and then say, "So how are you today, Miss. Shoto?" She looks at me with really tired eyes and says, "Terrible." I ask her why and then she says, "Well let's see Todoroki basically froze me in order to wake me up. I forgot to grab two hair ties for my pigtails. Didn't get enough sleep, accidentally, burned a little of Bakugo's shirt this morning, what else happened..." I look at her with a little shock until she then says, "Oh yeah I forgot to eat breakfast." I then see a figure in front of us so I then say, "What do you want?" I turn to see a bright blue haired female looking at us and then she says, "Oh I wanted to talk to Mizuko's friend Shoto-Chan." I look at her weird until she sees Miss. Shoto thinking and walks up to her and then says, "Hello my name is Kikuo! I'm Mizukos older sister!" I then see Miss. Shoto snap out of it and then introduses herself back...

I wonder if anything cool will happpen today?

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