Chapter 1

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                                                                                2 Weeks Later

"Are you over it? It's not your fault, you know." I hurried down a busy school hallway, brushing my brown unruly hair out of my face, to catch up with Seleste. 

"Over what?" The blonde girl asked.

"You know very well what I mean." I countered. Ignoring and denying your feelings was a bad thing, according to the very credible blog I'd read last night.

"No, seriously. What?" She turned around to face me. She had to look down because of her heels, and because I was significantly shorter than her.

"Warl's death. It's not your fault, you know." 

"Who? What kind of name is Warl??"

"Your boyfriend's kind of name apparently." Seeing the blank look on Seleste's face, I tried to clarify. "The really muscular Asian that you used to date. He committed suicide like two weeks ago and you've been blaming yourself. It was just after you broke up but-"

"I don't remember that." Seleste said, frowning.

"Bull crap you don't remember it. You've been going on about this for weeks!"

"Why would I date someone named Warl?"

"His name isn't important. The fact that you don't remember him is." 

"You should be more worried about yourself. I hardly remember you. What's your name again?" Seleste flounced off, her bouncy blonde hair almost hitting me. 

"That was weird." Jake said. I looked up at him. His red hair was in perfect disarray, as always, but he kept fiddling with it anyway.

"Yeah." I said, starting to head up the stairs. "Last week she wouldn't shut up about it." I stopped at my locker and grabbed my English textbook. Then we continued down the hallway.

"How could you forget something that life changing?" Jake wondered out loud. He pushed a couple kissing off his locker, and grabbed his math book. "If my girlfriend died, I'd sure as heck remember it."

I nodded in agreement, and we both continued down the hallway silently. We parted ways at what was known as "Couple's Corner" because it was out of view of the cameras.

I pretty much slept through all of English, but it came naturally to me, so it didn't really matter. My next class was with Seleste, and we usually went together. Today, I walked in only to find Seleste sitting with the jock jerks. I sat in the back corner, paying rapt attention to what was said during all of class, and trying to ignore the laughter coming from the jocks and Seleste. I was sure if was about all of the secrets we'd shared, and promised not to share.

After my other 2 hours before lunch, Jake and I left campus to go to Gooey Grub, our usual lunch digs. It was a locally owned restaurant, and sounds horrible until you eat there. Usually Seleste accompanied us here, but after her attitude... Jake and I both sunk our teeth into giant burgers, instantly covering our hands and lower faces in green sauce. It's the signature sauce here, and it goes on everything. 

Once we'd cleaned the sauce off of ourselves, we returned to school to endure the last three hours of 'education'. 

When school got out, Jake and I went to my house to 'do homework'. This daily activity included about 5% homework, 5% eating, and 90% video games on my Wii. After we finished homework and eating, the phone rang.

"Parker residence, Melpomene speaking. How can I help you?" I said into the phone. 

"I need to talk to Jake." It was Jake's mom.

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