7. beach

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3rd pov
after one week

"jungkook", jimin whispered to jungkook, and he whispered because taehyung was sleeping in his cot so he doesn't wanna wake up him, clock was only 09:25. "yeah babe?" jungkook asked with quiet voice and made bunny smile to shorter man.

"today is the day", jimin said and can't stop but smile wildly, wilder than ever. "yeah, i can't wait!" jungkook cheered happily and gave sweet kiss to Jimin's soft cheek. "what he will say? yes or no? what you think?" jimin lifted his head up nervously. jungkook just chuckled to his boyfriend's stupid question. "babe, of course he will say yes! he is out little baby who love us!" jungkook laughed and ruffled older's hair.

jungkook and jimin kissed each other, they have sweet boyfriend & boyfriend time. but one little baby boy, taehyung ruined it, he starts cry hardly.

jimin broke kiss and chuckled. "i take him", he stood up and walked to beautiful cot and to beautiful boy. he picked him up and gave small kiss to younger nose. he bounce walked taehyung and singed nursery rhymes, what makes tae calm down.

"baby boy, do you wanna go to a beach with me and daddy today?" jimin asked and stroked taehyung's hair softly. "bweach?" taehyung asked and his eyes were sparkling. "yes baby, beach", jimin laughed and ruffle taehyung's hair. "yay! bweach!" taehyung screamed and started crawl around their big apartment. jimin and jungkook laughed at this cute sight.

after morning routines they packed quickly swimming costumes. jimin picked up taehyung and putted his pink hello kitty shoes on. jungkook putted his shoes and same do jimin. then jungkook took out pink-white push chair and putted taehyung into it. then their happy way to beach began.

"umm.. jungkook did you remember take it?" jimin whispered into Jungkook's ear. "yeah...." jungkook whispered back and made small, soft smile to jimin. "good!" jimin laughed and gave kiss to his cheek.

"dwadaaa!!! oppaaaa!!" taehyung screamed from his push chair and clapped his hands. "yes baby boy?" Jungkook asked softly and stroke taehyung's hair. "what dwada?" Taehyung's happy voice asked. "ready to go swim?" jimin asked. "YWES!" taehyung screamed.

taehyung's pov

me, oppa and daddy arrived at the beach. there were so many people and it made me a little anxious. jungkook picked me up and putted me on sand with toys. i looked up to daddy and oppa and made big bright smile to them.

i heard how some boys yelled 'shit'. i started giggle because it was really funny word. "shit!" i screamed happily as i giggled crazily. "young mister did you just said shit?" jungkook asked and looked at me angrily. "s-sowwy..." i whispered and started cry hardly. "it's okay baby, but you will get punishments home", Jimin smirked and gave kiss to my neck. i blushes deeply and looked down.

"but now, lets go swim!" jungkook laughed.


i feel bad... my twin sister
words doesn't leave me alone.
she said ;
"i hug you and i need be scared,
i'm scared that you will die in my arms.
if you die i will not be sister anymore"



are you happy? 3:

but i hope you liked!

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