10. running

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3rd pov

"ummm hyungies", taehyung asks when they are sitting on white sofa in living room. "yes sweetheart?" jimin smiles and strokes taehyung's hair softly. "can i go out alone?" taehyung asks and makes a cute face. "oh, of course. just keep your phone on and answer if we call, okay?" jungkook lift his left eyebrown and look at his cute boyfriend. "okay hyungies", taehyung giggle and kiss jimin's and jungkook's cheeks.

quickly he runs into his room and wear oversized sweatpants and jungkook's hoodie. he takes bottle of water and wear his adidas' shoes. "now, lets go", taehyung mumbles to himself and start runing.

with jungkook & jimin

"jungkook, i think something is wrong with taehyung", jimin says, his voice is full of worry. "yeah, i know", jungkook mumbles and look at up while thi king what's wrong with his precious baby. "but he will tell us if something is wrong, right?" jungkook asks a little scared. "yeah and good thing, he never lies to us", jimin smiles trying to be positive.

"wanna watch movie?" jimin asks and tilt his head. "of course babe", jungkook smiles and kiss jimin's lips.

with taehyung

after running many many many kilometers like 10 kilometers he starts to get really dizzy and his running speed gets slower. tears start fall on his cheeks and he fall on his knees. taehyung try ti get up but he cant, he is feeling too weak.

not long time and he is in little space. "d-dada! o-oppa!" he cries weakly. "hey sweetie, what's wrong?" taehyung hears soft woman voice. taehyung look at up and meets beautiful woman's face. woman is middle age and she have long brown hair.

"sweetheart, you can tell me what's wrong", woman says and kneels in front of taehyung. "taetae cwant stand, t-too weak... wanna dwaddy and oppa!" taehyung cries. "sweetheart, i can take you home. just telk where you live", woman smiles and help taehyung up.

after many minutes they arrived at taehyung's home. woman knock the door and not long time door opens and shows jungkook and jimin with worried face. "taehyun is everything okay?" jimin asks worriedly and pick up taehyung who is crying. "he i so light..." jimin mouths to jungkook.

"i found him at the street, he was crying and told how weak he feel", woman tell and her voice is full of worry. "but i go now, bye", woman smiles and walk away.

"taehyung everything is okay, me and oppa will take care of you", jungkook smiles softly and kiss taehyung's nose. shaky taehyung finally calm down and rub his red puffy eyes.

"baby we need to call doctor", jimin tells while stroking taehyung's cheek. "whyie? taetae good", taehyung whines. "baby doctor will just check you, okay?" jungkook smiles. "otay dwada and oppa!!" taehyung giggles happily and clap his small hands making his hyungs laugh at him, in good way of course!

"love you dwaddy", taehyung kisses jungkook's lips.

"love you oppa", taehyung kisses jimin's lips.

"we love you too", they both say in sync.

i hope you liked!
im sorry about my bad english.
tell what you liked💜

love you sweethearts❤️

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