Thonx and meechu chan was fighting. In this fight meeechu chan's friends were die. meechu transformed into alien form this is meechu chan new power.
So,meechu chan fighted with his full powers but can't kill Thonx. In thier fight Thonx mask was destroyed. Thonx face same as meechu chan's face. The friend of meechu chan take a powerful wood and putten in a Thonx head. He remembered everything. He said his real name to meechu chan his real name was Toro chan meechu chan said you are my brother. They used the ten infinity rings to repair the planet of Biba Biba. They both lived super life in the earth
Agents of solar system
Actionchapters the ufo coming to planet of earth the speciality of infinity ring infinity rings collection real idendity action story in space. getting infinity ring. secret of villian fiction story next part will come soon credits writer:najeemudeen...