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Jim's world comes back to him in bits and pieces. The first thing he notices is that wherever he is, it's cold. The air around him is crisp and clear, sending shivers through his skin and his body that's not quite listening to him. He can't move his arms nor his legs, and as his brain becomes more aware of his surroundings he realizes that there's something binding his wrists together, as well as his ankles and knees. His head is pounding too, almost like it's trying to escape from his skull. His memories are...fuzzy. How did he get here? Where even was here?

Footsteps began to approach. Jim made no effort to move his body, letting his head hang limply as he shivered. Maybe they were friendly (fat chance), or he could figure out more about where he was if they thought nobody was listening.

"How long until the next shipment arrives?" A male voice asked, not quite human even in tone.

"A day at most. What of the boy? He stinks this place up. How long do we need him?" This voice is female, high pitched and filled with loathing.

"We need him until the bridge is opened. He is the only one that can open the door to the Darklands, which means we need him alive. As much as I understand the desire to rid the world of him, he is ultimately the key that will ensure our success." A large hand grabs Jim's chin, pulling his head up. It moves his face side to side slowly, like the owner of the hand is examining him closely.

"How long until he wakes? The sooner we can get him on board with the plan, the better."

"It should be soon. The medicine will start wearing off shortly here. But you know he will not agree unless forced. All Trollhunters are the same that way." The hand holding his head disappears suddenly, and he feels his chin collide with his chest harshly. A groan is forced from his throat before he can stop it, signaling to his clear captors that he is indeed waking up. Rats. 

"See? Any moment now. Wake up, boy. It's time to finally give your life purpose." The same hand grabs his hair, harshly pulling his head back up. Jim hisses at the pain, forcing his eyes open. The green creature from earlier was kneeling down in front of him, as well as a pink creature that looked very similar that stood behind them.

"Where...where am I?"

"Where you are does not matter. What you are doing here is much more important that that. You are going to open the Bridge to the Darklands. That lovely little amulet you don't go anywhere without is going to be a key to unleash my kind after so many years imprisoned."

"I may still be a little fuzzy in the head from getting kidnapped, but I'm failing to see why I would do that. Unleash a bunch of dark creatures into my world to destroy it? No, thanks."

"You will do it because you have no choice. I know you value your friends and family much more than you value yourself. But you are here, at my mercy, and they are out there, unguarded and ripe for the picking. Should you refuse, I'll simply send a changeling to hurt one. But if you cooperate, they can remain unharmed. Once you open the gate, that is."

"If I do that, they'll just get killed. Not a very fair trade in my book. I think I'll pass."

The green creature backhanded him harshly before standing up, going to a nearby box and opening it. "Then your friends will suffer for your insolence. Nomora, I think you should go for the girl first. As for you," He turned around with a syringe in hand, flicking the top with a devilish grin on his face. "You will be unconscious with nothing but the thought of your closest allies suffering because of your actions. You will not escape me, Jim. But be grateful that I am offering you this small mercy." He whispered as he pinned Jim's head to the column behind him, sticking the needle into Jim's neck. The world turned black once more.

Where's Jim? (Trollhunters)Where stories live. Discover now